My sister turns 40 tomorrow - FORTY! How is that possible?? I can't fathom it. I still think of us as little - playing in hawaii on the beach. Having dinner on the lanai in bamboo chairs and listening to the gecko's chirp. We would take one last dip in the pool before bedtime - swimming beneath the swaying palms and thousands of stars. In the morning we would wake to fresh papaya - and sit at the counter in our swimsuits - our hair crazy from sleeping with it damp from the late night swim.
My sister taught me how to put on make up, how to walk in high-heels and how to do my hair. She made my bed when i was too little to make the comforter fold down on my own. She introduced me to new music and decorated my first dorm room. She taught me how to drink coffee because it was 'social'. She gave me my first shot of jagermeister and introduced me to the vodka collins which became my drink of choice for many years before i ventured out into the great wide world of cocktails. She taught me to stand up and speak my mind. She was there for me when my heart was broken. She took care of me. She's smart, funny, beautiful and an amazing mom. She's dynamic. She's creative. She's incredible. She's the only sister i have and the only one i would ever want.
Happy birthday my darling H - may you have the best year and many many many more to come. I love you with all my heart and thank you - for everything.