This is such an incredible city. I love the energy - the pulse - the palpable buzz - it's constant. I love soho - rich and i spend most of our weekends in that area. I love the exposed cobblestones - the bottleglass sidewalk grates - the smaller side streets - the architecture - the whole sense of the area. The artists and actors, the boho's and the ladies who lunch - the street vendors and the shopkeepers - they've created this eclectic mix of social utopia - where - regardless of stature - they're all together - brushing elbows - mixing it up - finding their corner - owning their space. I'm aware i romanticize the area - but it's the way i see it - and i wouldn't change a thing.
I've been here a week - and this trip has been more mellow than the others - which is nice actually. It's more like being home than being 'away'. We're ordering in rather than going out - we're having friends over - spending time with other couples - groups of friends. It's more of how our life will be than the other trips - it's more settled - more constant.
The grey skies are breaking up a bit and there's a steady stream of puffy white steam coming off the roof of madison square garden. The last time i was here we saw a guy parachute past our windows. Without so much as lifting his head from his paperwork - one of my co-workers says - man is he in a shitload of trouble once he lands. Maybe it's the parachuting executive - or the way they say fuck in the office (all the time) - or the way we can order sushi and omelets at 3am if the mood strikes - or that it's cold enough to swaddle myself in my new chinchilla wrap - or the way the buildings look when the sun sets behind them - or how i feel young when i'm here - almost innocent - or how when i carry groceries back to rich's i wonder if people think i'm a new yorker - or the sense of endless possibility - or how central park looks with a fresh blanket of footprint-free snow - or how i feel pulled back here - again and again and again - but i think i have a crush on new york.
Yeah, I'm smitten.

What's NOT to love about New York? OK, don't answer that! But still the good far outweighs the bad :-)
Glad you and Boogs are having fun.
New York is the bomb. Every time I go there it's a different experience. I haven't read that far down your blog...but is this a vacation or you moved? Just wondering.
oh, forget my question. looks like it was just a vacay:)
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