So i haven't written in literally ages. Lots has been going on. Work has been ridiculous and i just got back from a conference in Savannah, GA. Interesting city. Supposedly the most haunted city in the country - and we did one of those 'haunted' tours except it was a pub crawl so what we ended up doing was basically going from bar to bar and listening to our 'tour guide' (i'll use that title liberally) give us the haunted histories of each place. I tuned out after the 2nd bar - and was trying to figure my escape until we came upon the park from the movie Forrest Gump and that held my attention momentarily as she pointed to the church steeple from where the feather in the movie falls from. Unfortunately, the bench he sits on with the chocolates was removed and put in the Savannah Musuem. We also went to Paula Deen's restaurant "the Lady & Sons" and while i'm a fan of hers from the food network, her restaurant was disappointing. It was a fun dinner with the 'team' - but other than that that, i could have done with out the mass frying of everything on the menu - AND - i ordered the healthiest item on the menu and yet it too came with artery clogging 'crab butter'. The whole week was like a fried food convention - shudder just thinking about it.
I was elected president of the board of directors i sit on for the fine arts museums. The election got UGLY. I won't go into much here - let's just say i took the high road and it was the hardest thing i've done in a long time given the piles of BS the current president was spewing in my direction. I really can't say anymore - it isn't worth the emotional energy. But we've got some amazing exhibits coming up and i have some fantastic things planned for the museums this year and for our organization. I'll keep you posted. Speaking of amazing things - the party for the vivienne westwood exhibit was AMAZING. SO much fun - we sold out and then sold out again - don't ask me how that happened - but it did - and it was bigger than the reopening of the de Young museum - it was over 2,600 people with almost 300 in VIP. My parents came - and my dad took the best picture with a pair of drag queens. Mind you, my dad is fairly straight laced and i absolutely adore the picture because he looks like he's having the best time. I'd post it here - but feel odd about posting a picture of my dad - so instead - i'll post the picture of me and Santino - who, i initially asked to design my dress and be a part of the Honorary Fashion Committee, has turned into a dear friend and was one of the most genuine, funny, down to earth and wonderful people i've met in a long time. It was great to spend time with him and i look forward to spending time with him again soon.
I finally got a new couch - the "Seabury' collection from pottery barn - both the couch and matching chair should be arriving sometime in late july. I'm in love with it. I was going to go for the 'lavish velvet' - but ended up with a beautiful beige on ivory herringbone which i think is really gorgeous. I also bought a 32'' flat screen tv. Minor upgrades to my life - but needed.
Heading to NY in a few weeks - so looking forward to it. Rich and i need some time together - it's reconnect time. I'm really looking forward to spending some time in soho - heading to mercer for lunch and cocktails, dinner at Balthazar, drinks at the private park in the Hudson, shopping everywhere. My favorite girl at louis vuitton moved over to gucci - so i'll have to head over there to see her and see if she has anything i need to covet and then acquire :) My loyalty will always lay with LV, but a girl can't go wrong with gucci!
Have to run - cable guy is here to set my new tv up with HD/DVR and test my wireless router.
For those who come by regularly, thanks for hanging in there during my absence - i'll try to be more proactive about updating my little slice of the internet.
1 comment:
Nice pic ;-)
Rumor has it we'll run into Santino in NYC in a couple weeks -- but I could be mistaken :-)
Then again, as long as we're together it doesn't matter one way or the other..but it might be fun ;-)
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