Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a very happy New Year.
I'll be sure to post soon about all the goings on in my life - from the amazing 1000 person party I threw for the Yves Saint Laurent exhibit at the Museum to the craziness of the holidays to my upcoming trip to NY and - hopefully - the super fabulous details of my new apartment there (fingers crossed - still looking).
xx K
Happy belated New years to you and Boogs. I hope it was a wonderful one!
Best of luck in the apt. search. Feel free to get in touch if you have a minute...
Happy 2009! Model Behavior here. It's been too long! How are you? I still read your blog.
I wanted to ask you if you'd mind updating me in your blogroll from missmodelbehavior.com to my new site http://www.selfabsorbed.me/
My new site's still linking over to you. I very much appreciate it!
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