Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Every little bit helps...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Odds and Ends
A resounding yes, to those that have inquired, i braved the HS Reunion several weeks ago. Chic black suit - had my hair cut and blown out - YSL bag - Dior stilettos. It was surreal. I literally didn't recognize people. Like had NO CLUE who they were. A lot of bad hair and odd clothing choices. Tons of baby pictures, baby blabber. Lots of people referring to me as the 'tennis girl'. There were a few people who it was actually good to see. I reconnected to 2 girls which was nice. We're going to go for cocktails when i get back from NY. So, not a total loss.
I've got a ton of stuff going on with the museums - gallery parties - a huge event for annie leibovitz, dale chihuly, a lecture series. Learned something interesting about Dale Chihuly - he hasn't blown glass since the early 70s. He injured his eye in a glass blowing accident and has no depth perception. I was shocked. His pieces - his NEW pieces signed by him - sell for thousands of dollars - 10s of 1000s of dollars. Yet, despite the sky high prices of his coveted work, he hasn't actually created anything in over 35 years. It just doesn't sit well with me. I've been a huge fan of his work, and now, it doesn't feel the same to me. All the while, some artists, and i do mean Artists, such as Bansky aren't truly recognized for their work. Which, mind you, is freaking genius.
If you don't know about Bansky, this link is the best way to familiarize yourself with his guerilla tactics and amazing work. He's someone i would love to have dinner with!
That's all from me - have to get back to work - enough procrastination for the day
xx K
Friday, September 14, 2007
High School Reunion


Thursday, August 30, 2007
Open forum or Voyeurism
I haven't written in forever. I just audited my blog and i've only written 6 times this year. I used to be so prolific - writing all the time - updating with even the tiniest things - a small purchase, a good dinner with friends, a preview of an upcoming trip - anything. Lately not so much. I don't know - perhaps i don't have much to say. I've contemplated shutting the Water Princess down - i've contemplated making it private so i could be a bit more open about my life and keep this more as an online diary rather than an open forum, so to speak, into the generality of my life.
Maybe i'll start another blog anonymously and put all that stuff there. No one will know - i'll change the names to keep the innocent, and no so innocent, safe and just write. Open up and write.
I will say this - i have sitemeter - anyone who writes a blog has one thing or another that tracks who comes to your blog - where they are from - how long they stayed - how many pages they viewed and how they arrived at your blog - either from another blog, a google search of something obscure, or a specific search for you. It kind of creeps me out when it's a specific search for me. This happened on Tuesday - someone in Sunnyvale specifically searched for me - using google - and stayed on my site for 9 minutes. In addition to my name, they used another search word which let me know where they saw me first. It's these random anonymous yet specific searches that bother me. This is one of the reasons i'm considering pulling this site. While it's a chronicle of my life - it's also a chronicle of my LIFE.
There are times when i want to be so brutally honest it hurts. But i can't - for varying reasons. It's the openness that i'm longing for - but how am i to do that while maintaining some semblance of anonymity. Nearly impossible. So - I have two options - no, three options - close down Water Princes, keep Water Princess open yet open another blog, anonymously and write to my hearts content, or lastly, throw the doors to my life wide open here and reveal it all.
Something to ponder. Suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
xx - K
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Long Time No Write

I finally got a new couch - the "Seabury' collection from pottery barn - both the couch and matching chair should be arriving sometime in late july. I'm in love with it. I was going to go for the 'lavish velvet' - but ended up with a beautiful beige on ivory herringbone which i think is really gorgeous. I also bought a 32'' flat screen tv. Minor upgrades to my life - but needed.
Heading to NY in a few weeks - so looking forward to it. Rich and i need some time together - it's reconnect time. I'm really looking forward to spending some time in soho - heading to mercer for lunch and cocktails, dinner at Balthazar, drinks at the private park in the Hudson, shopping everywhere. My favorite girl at louis vuitton moved over to gucci - so i'll have to head over there to see her and see if she has anything i need to covet and then acquire :) My loyalty will always lay with LV, but a girl can't go wrong with gucci!
Have to run - cable guy is here to set my new tv up with HD/DVR and test my wireless router.
For those who come by regularly, thanks for hanging in there during my absence - i'll try to be more proactive about updating my little slice of the internet.
XX - K
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Don't come crying to me
Enjoy :)
xx - K
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
For those in the know here's a hint - a tiny clue - of which iconic and legendary fashion desginer is being honored:
Any guesses - let's hear them. Good luck fashionista's - meow - K
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Hey Good Lookin'
These are all verbatim emails/messages that i've received - no changes to the content whatsoever other than removing their names - the rest of the glorious mess is all their own.
Suitor 1
Hello, I am X. I am into creating with my hands in art. Do you like dogs? Do like artist? Do you like to walk along the the beach at sunset and in hand? Have you ever bin into showing dogs? Do you like to work with clay? Are you an artistic person as wel as me? Have you ever bin to Jappan? Doyou like to coook or bake? What kinde of music do you like? Have you ever tryed Karoaky? Doyou like to sing? Do you play any musical instriments
Suitor 2
hey, i just wanted to drop a line, my name is X and i live in north carolina, my friend lives in san francisco. he is chinese, of course. i hope you are good.
Suitor 3
hello mam are u there rteally wanna chat with u you very cute hello please i wanna meet with you beatiful angel cant wait to hear from u hello dear are u there please chat with me hello dear please cum onlie chat with me
Suitor 4
hi angel
I saw your profile and it's very nice,attractive and wonderful..your beauty added by the picture makes it more loving.what really made me come on was my friend that met and marry his wife on here.it really gave me strenght to carry on that i will find my better half.what i need is a loving,caring,affectionate,tr uthful,respectful woman.who will not take me for granted no matter what circumstances comes our way..who is ready to love me for me .i'm very lonely.tell me what you really want on here,and tell me the attribute of your dream man.lot of flowers..
Regards, your secret admirer
Suitor 5
helo how are u doin,can we chat via yahoo.i love ur profile can u pls add me to ur yahoo msg. i want a perfect nice god fearing and reservelady who will love and always be there for me.and also want a qute mart girl.. i was in love with a girl who live in uk but later we decided to quit when i get to know that she was playing on my intetligent. i was broke up cos i was not ready for love then and i fell in love wit ba wrong girl who was cheating and playing my inteligent. I want a monday who is alreday inlove before and who can take care of a man very well. Hoping to chat with u soon.
Suitor 6
Yu speke frenchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhh oh lala. hi
Suitor 7
hey, are you just fall from the sky? :) - just to let you know this is 'Earth' not Venus. however, you are highly 'Welcome' here -- regards X
Aren't i lucky! Can you feel the swoon?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Shopping and Chaos
He's a bit sick right now - but happily and sniffily went to dinner last night with our dear friends Matt and Jeremy. Balthazar delivered as usual - amazing french onion soup - escargot - grilled Skate - Steak au poivre - and a delicious bottle of Beaune. A nice delicate pinot noir-like French red that became more complex as it opened up. Mmmmm. Dinner was fantastic. A perfect ending to a near perfect trip.
There was one 'minor' snag during my trip. The hard drive on my laptop had a catastrophic failure and everything on my computer was lost. Every deal i've worked on in the last 2.5 years. Every. Deal. The IT department at my office is trying one last ditch effort for recovery - it's being sent to some place in Europe to open it up and see if it's salvagable. Please cross your fingers for me. I've begun trying to recreate some of the content - but it's nowhere near - nowhere - what it needs to be.
I need to start packing, take something purchased back for an exchange, and then i'm off. I'll detail the trip a bit more once i'm back in SF. I'd say 'home', but i'm not sure where that is anymore.
Meow - K