I'm still so tired and having difficulty remembering what we did - oh yeah - sunday we went to brunch at Panorama and then headed off to a very cool flea market (i love them - hear the ones in paris and london are to die for!) on the West Side - we spent a little bit of time perusing the tables - some shabby chic french country home accents and furniture, some handmade soaps, a table of limoges and herend porcelain, a lot of crappy jewelry, some nice jewelry, and a small farmers market off one end. It was dreadfully hot and humid - and we cut our perusing short and walked to the park down the block. Sitting in the shade - we talked and hung out - watched the dogs and people pass...it was nice and relaxing - and cool - which was most important.
I think we ordered in that night, can't remember...
Monday was work again - a deal was closing and i got 2 more - which made it a busy day. That night we went to Dos Caminos on Park Avenue South - it was so good! I love mexican food and this was undoubtedly some of the best i've ever had. It was delicious.
I'll cut to wednesday - i wanted to surprise rich with a nice dinner someplace fun and unusual. I spotted the central park boathouse restaurant on the way home on and thought it was a great place - on tuesday, in our cab ride home - we passed the boathouse and he said - ooh - i want to take you there! I played dumb, asked him what was there, etc...and he explained to me - a very romantic restaurant - on the water - with a beautiful view. Hmm - sounds good. :)

Friday was Balthazar - and it was incredible as always. We each started with the usual - i had the decadent french onion soup and rich had the escargot - and for our main courses, rich had the steak frites and i had the halibut - it was incredible. Adam Duritz - lead singer of the counting crows sat a seat away from us - with 3 other friends - i didn't recognize any of them. One guy - who looked vaguely familiar - had a huge ring on (thing superbowl huge) - so i think he was sports related - other than that - no clue about the others. Adam kept getting up - and with the narrowness of the space btwn tables at Balthazar - kept making the girls at the next table grab their wine and water bottles to avoid his ass from knocking them over. His hair is atrocious by the way - atrocious.
We made our way back home after that - snuggled up with eachother and fell asleep.
Saturday we called matt, jeremy and dave for a late brunch. We decided to meet at 2-ish at Mercer Kitchen - secured a corner table at lobby level (can't stand downstairs - too dark) and cocktailed the afternoon away. It was so great to catch up with them - initially it was just matt and dave, and then jeremy, who hadn't been feeling quite well, joined us later in the afternoon. We ordered some food - cocktailed - chatted and people watched - it was actually a perfect saturday afternoon! Once jeremy arrived - we ordered once last round, and headed out to the shops. I had to go to Louis Vuitton - it was 6:30 and they closed at 7pm - so we all made our way over there. I shopped a bit - picked out a few bags that i wanted - and asked the boys for their opinions. After selecting 3 - and noticing that we were the last people in the store - we made our way up and out and headed down the street to a very cool - hip little shop called Kid Robot - which carries 'toys' for adults, and no - you perv - not 'those' kinds of toys. Cool japanese anime, action figures, etc... we hung out there a bit - and then it was time for us to go our separate ways...
We said our goodbyes - hugged and double cheek kissed - excited to know that while my trip to NY was almost over, i'd be seeing matt and jeremy in SF in a few short weeks. YAY! Rich and i made our way back to the apt - had dinner - and spent the night wrapped up in eachother.
Sunday was hard - i didn't want to go. We got up early and headed out - i had a few things i needed to do and a seriously sexy pair of stilettos i had to buy at bergdorfs. We went downtown first - got a few things i needed and then made our way back uptown and then home. I packed - we played - fussed around the house - made sure i had all my stuff and then, waited. And waited. My plane was delayed. So we hung out some more and i finally made my way to the airport - where i waited even more. My flight was supposed to take off at 8:00 - didn't take off until 11pm. I couldn't sleep at all on the plane - so i was miserable and exhausted when we finally arrived in SF at 3:00 - i fell into bed around 3:30am and don't think i moved a muscle until my alarm woke me out of a dead sleep.
Long trip home - but the trip itself - the 17 days rich and i had together couldn't have been more perfect.
I spent yesterday evening at my parents - my sister and the littlest one were there as well and tonight i'm meeting with the board of directors for the league of museums in sf - i've been asked to join the board and am meeting 3 of the members - 1 of whom i know well - at Nectar - a chic little wine bar in my neighborhood. I'm looking foward to meeting some of the members tonight - and am hoping they 'officially' extend an invitation to be a Board member. A gala is planned for Oct 22 - the opening of the new De Young museum - and i know i'll have a lot of fun planning that event.
Nothing else to report except that rich is coming out to SF for Labor Day weekend and my parents are totally excited to meet the man that has so captured my heart.
Meow - K
That was as much a pleasure to read as the last few weeks were to spend...but instead of us reminiscing, let's talk about how Bulgarian exports are adversely affecting the former Slavic nations and the fact that Burmese women stink like the Charles Chickens :-D
Sounds like a wonderful trip! I'm so glad it that it was such a special time. And lovely to spend some time with y'all as well!
I'm looking forward to your being a resident of our fair state :-)
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