These insects come in varied patterns and are decorated with the finest Austrian Swarovski crystal. Each roach takes about an hour of painstaking work to achieve his final magical glory. All roaches come complete with a leash set. This consists of a gorgeous pin you attach to your clothing with a chain that clasps to the cockroach's carapace to keep him from running amok. The lifespan of these animals is approximately one year if housed and fed properly. Keep him in a little terrarium in the dark and he will love you and be very responsive to your touch. Um, okay.
I actually saw this 'jewelry' used in a fashion show and it was quite revolting - however, given the 'fashion sense' of numerous designers - it's rather apropos to their collection...
All that for only $80 - hurry while supplies and your gag reflex last.
Sounds great...I just hope anyone dumb enough to be wearing one of these roaches won't mind if, when I see one being worn, I knock down the wearer and stomp said roach until it is no longer moving.
Would make a hell of a defense in an assault trial, dontcha think? ;)
I'm gonna HURL. Blech!
Nothing surprises me about Fashion anymore, but Day-am!
Think PETA will launch an offensive, or just provide cans of Raid?
I want to see more models prancing about with live crystal-encrusted Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches wriggling all over them. You think you're a supermodel? Suck on this, skinny bitch!
Buffy - LOL - i know - WHY!!
Trouble - I think PETA only likes the cute cuddly animals - i'm not sure they're going to rally around cockroaches...
Lisa - lol
Boogs - i promise not to get one if you throw out your lava lamp ;)
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