Jonny Moseley midair off the jump!

I can actually see my apartment from this shot!

Closer shot - you can see the crowds that came to see the event - very cool!

Couldn't pass up the "Wipe Out" shot!
I got a few other things - almost purchased a pair of D&G stiletto's but passed - but i did pick up a darling little top - sprinkled with opalescent sequins at the botton. Very cute.
My parents called and asked me to join them for dinner. My uncle bill is in town and i hadn't seen him in a while so i thought that would be great - my sister/her husband and the babies were having dinner with friends and we would all meet up afterwards. I headed to marin - we were going to meet in tiburon for chinese food - but it was closed so we went to Rooney's - great little local place. Had a nice dinner - met up with the babies afterward at the waterfront pizza place - and hung out. Played with the babies for a bit - the little one loves my hair - likes to hold it in his hands and rub it together - i think it's darling - but i end up with a knotted 'fro afterward once he gets done. We all said our goodbyes - i'm sure i'll see bill again before he leaves back to NY. Headed back home to SF with rich in my ear.
Work is crazy so that weekend was needed - i've got a charity event to go to on thursday - i'll update after that party - should be Fun!
Meow - K
Wednesday i picked him up at the airport - peppered him with kisses and hugs and headed back into SF to show him my city. He was pretty shocked at how small SF was - where were the skyscrapers - where was the 'downtown' area - where were the towering apartment buildings - well, darling, i live in the Marina - and there aren't skyscrapers and towering apts - there are boutiques and cafe's and and victorian duplexes and great restaurants and wine bars. I love my neighborhood. We schlep his stuff upstairs - hello 60lb suitcase - and head out to have lunch on Chestnut street. Lots of good restaurants to choose from and we decided upon Andale - great mexican food. Some chips, guacamole, sangria, grilled shrimp and a burrito maya later - we're exploring the rest of Chestnut. After a bit of walking around - we headed back to the apartment where rich took a nap. I put some of his stuff away - and then napped along side him for a while. We got up around 7pm and decided to go to Cozmos for dinner. Fun place - great vibe - has that NY/LA sort of feel. Dinner was wonderful - they have a new chef - thankfully - and he's done wonders for the menu! After dinner we headed back to my apartment and hung out for a while then fell fast asleep...
Thursday was spent sightseeing - we headed down to Chrissy Field - and walked around - it was quite foggy and really chilly (rich ended up buying a fleece to keep warm) - but we had fun. We walked along the water - took pictures along the pier - perused the giftshop/warming hut. I wasn't feeling 100% - my back was hurting me and so was my stomach - so we ended up driving around a bit and then heading back to my apartment where i took a nap. Woke up several hours later - still not feeling well - we decided not to go out - so instead we ordered chinese and relaxed in front of the tv. It was a nice mellow night. The next morning rich went out and got us breakfast from noahs - yum - and we decided to do a bit more shopping/sight seeing. We tried to get tix for alcatraz but they were sold out - so we ended up at the Masonic auditorium on Nob Hill - taking in the exhibit - the Universe Within - completely wild - amazing actually! Basically it's an exhibit featuring actual human bodies that had been 'plasticized'. Sounds disgusting and mind you - some of it was completely bizarre - but it was incredible at the same time. To actually see the inside of the human body - to see the arteries, the veins, the organs - how it all interconnects - each area defined by a different colored liquid plastic (that had hardened) - was really just so cool. If it comes to your town - GO.
After the exhibit - we did a little shopping and then ended up on Union street. I wanted to take him to Betelnut for dinner - but the wait was out the door - as was the wait for Home - so we ended up having a lovely dinner at Prego. We bought our tickets to see "The 40 year old virgin" prior to dinner - so after dinner we headed over to the theatre - stopping to window shop beforehand. The movie was hysterical! So funny! We headed home after dinner and fell into bed.
Saturday was spent sightseeing again - back to Chrissy Field and Fort Point - the Palace of Fine Arts and the Legion of Honor. Rich took some great pictures - i'm sure he'll post them. I have scattered some throughout this post - as well. I was a little nervous given that rich and my parents were meeting for the first time that evening - so i was a little preoccupied. We headed back to my apt around 5ish - i wanted some time to relax and get ready without being rushed. I chilled out - and spent a little over an hour getting ready. We taxied to the restaurant - Town Hall - owned by a friend - it's wonderful - and has gotten amazing reviews - despite being a bit noisy. My parents were a bit delayed due to the city setting up for the Grand Prix the next day (SF's very own tiny tour de france - usually Lance rides - but this year he passed). They arrived - the introductions were made and we were seated immediately. We had a great table with a view of the entire restaurant - and we ordered some wine while we decided what to have for dinner. The conversation flowed and everything was going well. PHEW! I was so nervous. But everything turned out okay. Dinner was great - and we took a quick tour of the mansions in pacific heights on our way home - mom and dad were cool - and the evening was just wonderful.
The next day - rich and i awoke to the sounds of the pace cars and the bicycles zooming past my apartment - very very cool - with an amazing view right outside my bay window. We just chilled out for a bit - knowing we had to be in marin to meet my dad. He and rich were heading to Oakland to watch the Yankees beat the A's. From what i heard - they had a great time at the game - watched batting practice - rooted for their team - ate 'game' food and cheered when the Yanks trumped the A's. I picked rich up at my parents house after the game was over. We stayed for a bit to say hi to my parents - dad took rich on a mini tour - and then we headed out - and headed home. Monday was Labor Day - and we mellowed out in the morning and then headed over to my parents for the afternoon. My sister and her husband, along with the babies were already there when we arrived. Everyone was in the backyard when we came in - and we joined them - taking a lounge for ourselves. I introduced rich to my nephews - my sister and her husband - and we all hung out and had a relaxing afternoon. Dinner was wonderful - grilled chicken - lamb chops - my mom's macaroni and cheese (which is simply amazing and so not like your traditional macaroni and cheese) - champagne and wine and sparkling water. It was a great afternoon - we had a lot of fun - rich and i played with my nephews - and he chatted with my sister for a bit. We left around 9pm - tired - sated - happy - and ready for bed. Although rich wanted to go out for a drink - i kind of convinced him otherwise... :) We decided to go up to my roofdeck and relax and take in the view - it's really beautiful at night.