A recent SF event to mark the nightly airing of Sex in the City had women lining up at midnight this past saturday in Union Square - sleeping in queue overnight (SF is not warm) for their chance - CHANCE - to snag one of the 1000 pairs of Jimmy Choo's being given away as promotion for the event. These women - not even guaranteed their size - spent hours - waiting for their chance to be handed a pair. Oh please oh please oh please...
WTF. Are you kidding me? If i happened to be down there shopping - not unlikely - the square is flanked by gucci - dior - saks - neiman's - loro piana - etc - and saw that madness - certainly i would check it out - however - i would never - ever - park myself overnight - outside - for a 'chance' to get a pair of Choo's. They're beautiful shoes - decadent even - but to subject myself to being one or two rungs on the social ladder above the 35 year old basement dwelling dungeon and dragon playing virgins who camped out in front of the WRONG theatre in LA awaiting the arrival of the latest Star Wars episode - is something i would never do.
To each their own - but the funniest thing about this whole mess is that now - swarms of girls are selling the shoes on craigslist - because they don't like the colors and the sizes are wrong. So after 8 hours in line - you aren't even happy with the result. Faaaaaabulous.
Go to Neiman's girls - you'll be much happier in the long run...
That reminds me of the time I waited in line for a shot to be one of the Fruit of The Loom guys. I was hoping to be "Grapes" or even the "Apple," but I screwed up my chance: I told the people I wore boxers. All I got was a package of FOtL's for my trouble. And I don't even wear 'em.
That reminds me of the time I waited in line for a shot to be one of the Fruit of The Loom guys. I was hoping to be "Grapes" or even the "Apple," but I screwed up my chance: I told the people I wore boxers. All I got was a package of FOtL's for my trouble. And I don't even wear 'em.
Clearly stilettos won out.
(and I'm thinking that Kaia already knows whether boogie is a boxer or briefs guy. Wait, waaay too personal...)
Krisco -
I'm thinking you're right :)
Meow - K
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