It's not so much the work - it's the byproduct which is the insomnia. The tossing and turning - eyes wide open - the clock taunting me - clicking away minutes and then hours. I was up for about 3 hours last night - restless and beleaguered by lack of sleep. I actually pulled my comforter off my bed and attempted sleep on my couch. For some reason, a different location other than my bed sometimes allows me to fall asleep. It worked this time, for about half an hour. Finally - around 4:30am i trudged back into my bed - curled up - and fell asleep. I slept so soundly that my alarm, which normally bolts me awake with progressively louder and faster chirps - sitting out of my reach so i actually have to get up to turn it off because it's that unbearably loud and annoying - failed to even stir me. I only woke when rich made his morning phone call to me - to make sure i was awake and starting my morning.
The one thing that made last night less pained were the beautiful roses on my coffee table (pictured below) - sent by rich yesterday - with the most amazing card. He surprised me at work with an afternoon delivery of 2 dozen multicolored roses - totally gorgeous. They made last night less tortureous knowing that part of him was there with me...

Was in a lots of travelling long distance relationship myself. I think it causes insomnia . . . or a weird feeling of never entirely being in your own time, space and body . . . Which is pleasurable too. Your last two posts really brought these sensations back in full force. How odd.
We're in the same place now, or so they say . . .
I recently read a review in The New Yorker of a new book, I don't have the title but I think it was "The history of sleep." The basic gist is - until electricity and lighting the night consistently, people used to go to bed much earlier, and then have "two sleeps" called fittingly "first sleep" and "second sleep."
In the middle, they would get up for several hours and just putz around, think, write, meditate. So maybe those early hours up are really just a natural thing after all. Unlikely, but try going to bed at 7, and don't worry that you're up for three hours in the middle.
Kai ... I'll gladly field any of the calls for you ... my pleasure.
It's so tough when you are working that hard and sleep is on/off, (either too much or not enough.) Been there, done that!
Here's to sweet dreams!
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