More later - Meow - K
Friday, December 29, 2006
Kitten in the Big City
More later - Meow - K
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I received some devastating news yesterday. News i thought would be the complete opposite of what it was. I'm stunned speechless. Empty. I can't even put my mind around what to say - how to describe what i'm feeling.
I have no words.
I have no words.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Gobble Gobble
Monday, November 06, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I need a little mood music and an intergalactic bear skin rug
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Happy Birthday

My sister turns 40 tomorrow - FORTY! How is that possible?? I can't fathom it. I still think of us as little - playing in hawaii on the beach. Having dinner on the lanai in bamboo chairs and listening to the gecko's chirp. We would take one last dip in the pool before bedtime - swimming beneath the swaying palms and thousands of stars. In the morning we would wake to fresh papaya - and sit at the counter in our swimsuits - our hair crazy from sleeping with it damp from the late night swim.
My sister taught me how to put on make up, how to walk in high-heels and how to do my hair. She made my bed when i was too little to make the comforter fold down on my own. She introduced me to new music and decorated my first dorm room. She taught me how to drink coffee because it was 'social'. She gave me my first shot of jagermeister and introduced me to the vodka collins which became my drink of choice for many years before i ventured out into the great wide world of cocktails. She taught me to stand up and speak my mind. She was there for me when my heart was broken. She took care of me. She's smart, funny, beautiful and an amazing mom. She's dynamic. She's creative. She's incredible. She's the only sister i have and the only one i would ever want.
Happy birthday my darling H - may you have the best year and many many many more to come. I love you with all my heart and thank you - for everything.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
C'est Magnifique!
Monday, September 11, 2006
In remembrance
To those who lost, those who survived and those who will forever live on in our memories.

You will never be forgotten.

You will never be forgotten.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I haven't been writing - there has been too much going on in my real life for me to devote any to this online life of mine. Work has been incredible - both highs and lows - there's a lot i can't even talk about here. I don't want to divulge too much about where i work - or the details of my job. I can talk about deals and international conference calls and making my way toward the promotion to director - but other than that - i'm pretty silent. So, lots of highs and lows. It's been interesting. The insomnia is back - because of all the pressure - but when i can't sleep i call rich and his voice lulls me back to sleep. Slowly. I mean honestly, i can't complain - i'm really lucky. Despite the pressure, i have an amazing job. I have my health, my family is incredible, supportive, close. I have wonderful friends and fulfill my soul with charity and philanthropy. I'm lucky. I don't have a lot to complain about - yet i'm unsettled and restless and wandering and searching. For what i don't know. But i can feel it.
I'm heading to NY tuesday morning to spend some very needed time with rich. 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to just being in his space - to be able to reach out and hold his hand - see his green eyes - run my fingers through the loose curl of his hair. His laugh. I'm looking forward to the every day. I'm looking forward to us.
I'll try to update from NY - i'm sure i'll be able to. Until then, be well and sorry for such an odd, somewhat detached post. I'll make the next one a little lighter...
Meow - K
I'm heading to NY tuesday morning to spend some very needed time with rich. 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to just being in his space - to be able to reach out and hold his hand - see his green eyes - run my fingers through the loose curl of his hair. His laugh. I'm looking forward to the every day. I'm looking forward to us.
I'll try to update from NY - i'm sure i'll be able to. Until then, be well and sorry for such an odd, somewhat detached post. I'll make the next one a little lighter...
Meow - K
Monday, July 31, 2006
Fashion Forward
Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Brooch

These insects come in varied patterns and are decorated with the finest Austrian Swarovski crystal. Each roach takes about an hour of painstaking work to achieve his final magical glory. All roaches come complete with a leash set. This consists of a gorgeous pin you attach to your clothing with a chain that clasps to the cockroach's carapace to keep him from running amok. The lifespan of these animals is approximately one year if housed and fed properly. Keep him in a little terrarium in the dark and he will love you and be very responsive to your touch. Um, okay.
I actually saw this 'jewelry' used in a fashion show and it was quite revolting - however, given the 'fashion sense' of numerous designers - it's rather apropos to their collection...
All that for only $80 - hurry while supplies and your gag reflex last.

These insects come in varied patterns and are decorated with the finest Austrian Swarovski crystal. Each roach takes about an hour of painstaking work to achieve his final magical glory. All roaches come complete with a leash set. This consists of a gorgeous pin you attach to your clothing with a chain that clasps to the cockroach's carapace to keep him from running amok. The lifespan of these animals is approximately one year if housed and fed properly. Keep him in a little terrarium in the dark and he will love you and be very responsive to your touch. Um, okay.
I actually saw this 'jewelry' used in a fashion show and it was quite revolting - however, given the 'fashion sense' of numerous designers - it's rather apropos to their collection...
All that for only $80 - hurry while supplies and your gag reflex last.
Monday, July 24, 2006
It's back!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Team Kaia
The coffee table/side tables arrived yesterday and they look fantastic. Truly. I am surprised at how big (almost double) the coffee table is from my last. I ended up giving my old tables to the moving guys - what they do with them - i don't care. So in the process of selecting what goes back on the table - what goes away - what is thrown away - etc, i end up doing a massive redo of my apt. Well, at least a massive redo of my living room. Completely reorganized and moved around all the things on my bookshelves, switched out and put away numerous books, pulled out objects i've been hoarding away for this particular moment, de-cluttered, de-junked and streamlined my life. It feels great. And, to be honest, looks fucking fantastic.
I need to have a cocktail party - STAT.
Lots of fabulous changes i haven't mentioned - i was elected PR Chair for the board of directors i sit on for the museums. And, AND...even more fabulously, i'm chairing the gala ball for the fashion and costume exhibit of an AMAZING designer. As soon as i heard we had a fashion exhibit - i was all over that. Me me me!! Yes please. So - i'm going to need a sick dress to wear - and as my mom and i were discussing - seriously fierce hair for the night. We were thinking big - bold - curly - gigantic piled upon hair. I cannot wait!
It's, ahem, my birthday on Sunday. No age divulged so bugger off. Hopefully heading for cocktails this weekend with a few friends for a bit of champagne. The calls are out and it looks like a few of us are meeting up with a few others - so it's going to be a fun group of people - ready to play and party. Most likely, we'll take residence at the Redwood room for a bit and then end the night at Balboa. I'm supposed to be heading to the W tonight for an event, but i'm not in the mood so we're passing - but booked for next Thursday for another event. On a lesser note, i was planning a relaxing day at home tomorrow - finishing up a few deals - and i'm told that i have 'mandatory attendance' to a 'pizza and bowling' party for work - team building. I'm not a huge bowler because the idea of sticking my foot into the footwear of literally hundreds of other wearers - well, frankly, gives me the willies. That and it completely destroys my manicure. But i have to be a team player... so i'll go, and smile, and bowl. Yeah me.
Birthday lunch at Neiman's with a few on Sunday followed by a mini-spree throughout the store. YEAH ME. Go Team Kaia!
Must go - meow - K
I need to have a cocktail party - STAT.
Lots of fabulous changes i haven't mentioned - i was elected PR Chair for the board of directors i sit on for the museums. And, AND...even more fabulously, i'm chairing the gala ball for the fashion and costume exhibit of an AMAZING designer. As soon as i heard we had a fashion exhibit - i was all over that. Me me me!! Yes please. So - i'm going to need a sick dress to wear - and as my mom and i were discussing - seriously fierce hair for the night. We were thinking big - bold - curly - gigantic piled upon hair. I cannot wait!
It's, ahem, my birthday on Sunday. No age divulged so bugger off. Hopefully heading for cocktails this weekend with a few friends for a bit of champagne. The calls are out and it looks like a few of us are meeting up with a few others - so it's going to be a fun group of people - ready to play and party. Most likely, we'll take residence at the Redwood room for a bit and then end the night at Balboa. I'm supposed to be heading to the W tonight for an event, but i'm not in the mood so we're passing - but booked for next Thursday for another event. On a lesser note, i was planning a relaxing day at home tomorrow - finishing up a few deals - and i'm told that i have 'mandatory attendance' to a 'pizza and bowling' party for work - team building. I'm not a huge bowler because the idea of sticking my foot into the footwear of literally hundreds of other wearers - well, frankly, gives me the willies. That and it completely destroys my manicure. But i have to be a team player... so i'll go, and smile, and bowl. Yeah me.
Birthday lunch at Neiman's with a few on Sunday followed by a mini-spree throughout the store. YEAH ME. Go Team Kaia!
Must go - meow - K
Monday, July 17, 2006
Retail Therapy for the Home
I made a few purchases over the weekend - a bit of upgrading for my apartment.
New "Gayle" coffee table and matching nesting tables
New "Gayle" coffee table and matching nesting tables
I'm leaning toward these lamps - the "Brett" collection - the floor and table lamp. I love the lines in these lamps - they're incredibly graceful and elegant while still modern.
My next purchase after my coffee table/nesting tables arrive on Wednesday is a new couch. I want something modern with clean lines but maintaining a traditional feel. I'm not one for lots of pillows and fuss - but the one i've found - i think is as near to perfection as i'll get.
I'm in love with the Seabury in "Wheat Lavish" velvet. Meow.
While my apartment doesn't necessarily need any upgrades - every now and again it's nice to surround yourself with new things. For me, it's time.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Cheers darling
C and i went to a party for the Symphony on Wednesday night at the new Mercedes dealership in SF. It's so gorgeous - very modern - sleek - 2 stories - with a very soothing bubbling water fall. We arrived, valeted, and checked in. Both C and i used to be extremely social - we were out 4-5 nights a week at different parties and functions. I chaired one of the largest balls in SF - sat on boards, etc. I eventually 'dropped out' because SF is a very small city - and if you make it even that much smaller by primarily going to only the society events - it ends up being even smaller. Everyone knows your business - who you're dating - who you're not - who you want to - etc. I'm working my way back 'in'. But i digress... we arrive and there are a bevy of faces i hadn't seen in ages. We grab cocktails and do a lap. We stop by the beautiful McLaren SLR - amazing gull-winged mercedes. It was the only one roped off in the event - all the other cars were open and people were trying them all on for size.
We sip our cocktails and of course i spy my ex. He was there with one of his best friends David. I gently elbow C - make her aware of his presence and we turn on our heels and disappear into the crowd. When we emerge from the throngs of stiletto clad women we run right into them. Of course. We say hello - he's had a few drinks so he's very 'friendly' - C immediately announces that i just returned from 2 fabulous weeks in NY. MY ex promptly grabs my ring finger to see if i'm engaged. I pull my hand away and shoot him a nasty look. We chat for a little bit - and then say we're going to get cocktails. Ciao! We cruise upstairs - nibble a few hors d'oeurves - and C is ready for another pomegranate martini. We head back downstairs - run into an old friend - mid stairwell - chat and cause a traffic jam for a few minutes - promise to email and do lunch soon and then we're off for that martini. We successfully secure C another martini - i'm drinking sparkling water now - it was dreadfully hot in there. We meet several 'guys' - chat with them for a few - and then decide we've milked this party for all it's worth. We head outside toward the door - grab our goodie bag (filled with a mini croc embossed leather martini shaker' - a mini bottle from the vodka sponsor - and some mercedes swag) - and are stopped by a photographer for a picture - we pose - cheekily with our goodie bags held up - give the photographer our names - and head out to valet. We dump the business cards we collected and head off to dinner.
We head to Balboa for dinner - and run into the mayor. Our very handsome and very single Mayor. C knows him from events and we chat with him for a bit before sitting for dinner. C had the steak and i had the seared tuna. Both were wonderful. We discuss the event for the following evening - a charity auction at a design center and decide to pass - opting instead for an event at the W next thursday. Dinner was great as always - Balboa never fails. We ended up seeing a ton of the people from the symphony event at Balboa by the time we finished dinner. We head out - and i drop her at home.
I ended up working from home yesterday (and today) and it was truly crazy. I ended up finishing 5 deals yesterday - 2 were fire drills. I had one scuffle with a sales exec - and he ended up - literally - groveling for forgiveness by the time i got done with him. So that was fun. Today should be a little less stressful and hopefully i'll have time to get my nails and toes done before dinner tonight. A group of us are going to Jardiniere for dinner. I haven't been there in several years - but it's an amazing restaurant and i'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Other than that - i'm buying a coffee table this weekend the Pottery Barn 'Gayle' table. It's really lovely. The new couch is next. I want the Seabury - but am still open to other options. So we'll see. On a side note - NY was amazing - as always - we had the best time. Only down point was that i got the stomach flu and ended up giving it to Rich. I spent the last few days of my trip indoors and not feeling well. Not fun. We did get to dinner the night before i left with Matt and Jeremy at Jane. It was Fantastic. I miss NY. I miss everything about NY.
Meow - K
We sip our cocktails and of course i spy my ex. He was there with one of his best friends David. I gently elbow C - make her aware of his presence and we turn on our heels and disappear into the crowd. When we emerge from the throngs of stiletto clad women we run right into them. Of course. We say hello - he's had a few drinks so he's very 'friendly' - C immediately announces that i just returned from 2 fabulous weeks in NY. MY ex promptly grabs my ring finger to see if i'm engaged. I pull my hand away and shoot him a nasty look. We chat for a little bit - and then say we're going to get cocktails. Ciao! We cruise upstairs - nibble a few hors d'oeurves - and C is ready for another pomegranate martini. We head back downstairs - run into an old friend - mid stairwell - chat and cause a traffic jam for a few minutes - promise to email and do lunch soon and then we're off for that martini. We successfully secure C another martini - i'm drinking sparkling water now - it was dreadfully hot in there. We meet several 'guys' - chat with them for a few - and then decide we've milked this party for all it's worth. We head outside toward the door - grab our goodie bag (filled with a mini croc embossed leather martini shaker' - a mini bottle from the vodka sponsor - and some mercedes swag) - and are stopped by a photographer for a picture - we pose - cheekily with our goodie bags held up - give the photographer our names - and head out to valet. We dump the business cards we collected and head off to dinner.
We head to Balboa for dinner - and run into the mayor. Our very handsome and very single Mayor. C knows him from events and we chat with him for a bit before sitting for dinner. C had the steak and i had the seared tuna. Both were wonderful. We discuss the event for the following evening - a charity auction at a design center and decide to pass - opting instead for an event at the W next thursday. Dinner was great as always - Balboa never fails. We ended up seeing a ton of the people from the symphony event at Balboa by the time we finished dinner. We head out - and i drop her at home.
I ended up working from home yesterday (and today) and it was truly crazy. I ended up finishing 5 deals yesterday - 2 were fire drills. I had one scuffle with a sales exec - and he ended up - literally - groveling for forgiveness by the time i got done with him. So that was fun. Today should be a little less stressful and hopefully i'll have time to get my nails and toes done before dinner tonight. A group of us are going to Jardiniere for dinner. I haven't been there in several years - but it's an amazing restaurant and i'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Other than that - i'm buying a coffee table this weekend the Pottery Barn 'Gayle' table. It's really lovely. The new couch is next. I want the Seabury - but am still open to other options. So we'll see. On a side note - NY was amazing - as always - we had the best time. Only down point was that i got the stomach flu and ended up giving it to Rich. I spent the last few days of my trip indoors and not feeling well. Not fun. We did get to dinner the night before i left with Matt and Jeremy at Jane. It was Fantastic. I miss NY. I miss everything about NY.
Meow - K
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The bags are packed

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York
These vagabond shoes
Are longing to stray
And make a brand new start of it
New York, New York
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York.
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York,
New Yorkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Busy bee
I haven't been writing much lately. I've had too much going on - mainly with work. Some play. May was an incredibly busy month for me - i've never been as busy, workwise, than i had been last month. It was ridiculous. I was averaging about 8 deals a week. I think it's time to hire a mini-me - as my director likes to say. So while i'm doing all of this - the last thing on my mind is contributing another post to my blog. Not that there hasn't been a ton of stuff to write about - the horrific Bush/Gay Marriage rewriting of the constitution debacle - my nephew's graduation from pre-school, my planning of the gala at the museum, a hysterical night at a drag bar, my pending trip to NY and so much else.
I kind of admire the people who can write eloquently on a daily basis. Open up their hearts and their minds and put their thoughts down. I'm sure if i put more effort in, i could. I should. I want to write more - but honestly, i can't stand the people who simply write for the 'hits' on their page - for the comments - for the perceived attention. It's kind of sad really. I only want to write if i have something to say. And honestly, i'm rethinking this post as i'm typing these exact words.
It's completely overcast today - welcome to summer in san francisco. While people in the rest of the country are donning shorts and wispy dresses, flip flops and tank tops - i'm pulling out the cashmere wraps and bundling up to take a walk down chestnut street. It's cold. The one good thing about 'summer' is the amazing farmers market which takes residence across the street from my apartment every saturday (thru october actually). I love being able to wake up - throw on sweats and put my hair up and buy farm fresh fruits and veggies - beautiful flowers and fish caught before dawn. I went this morning - bought fresh strawberries, squash, cherries, salmon, hydrangea, and some french green beans. Dinner should be fabulous tonight :)
I'm signing up for french classes at l'alliance francais with my girl friend C. They start in july. I'm also starting additional classes in august through december. I'm planning on going paris in october and need to brush up on my language skills. I used to be fluent and i've completely lost my grasp of the language. I can still understand and speak french - but to a limited degree - and if i'm in paris i want to feel completely comfortable. So i'm really looking forward to it. I love the language - it's so beautiful and to be fluent again is something i really want. After that, i think i'll take italian.
Other than that - not a whole lot has gone on - or rather - a lot has gone on, but i just don't feel inclined to put it to paper, so to speak. So, rather than fill up this page with a bunch of words, i think i'll end this post and write more when i have something more interesting to say...
Until then - ciao - K
I kind of admire the people who can write eloquently on a daily basis. Open up their hearts and their minds and put their thoughts down. I'm sure if i put more effort in, i could. I should. I want to write more - but honestly, i can't stand the people who simply write for the 'hits' on their page - for the comments - for the perceived attention. It's kind of sad really. I only want to write if i have something to say. And honestly, i'm rethinking this post as i'm typing these exact words.
It's completely overcast today - welcome to summer in san francisco. While people in the rest of the country are donning shorts and wispy dresses, flip flops and tank tops - i'm pulling out the cashmere wraps and bundling up to take a walk down chestnut street. It's cold. The one good thing about 'summer' is the amazing farmers market which takes residence across the street from my apartment every saturday (thru october actually). I love being able to wake up - throw on sweats and put my hair up and buy farm fresh fruits and veggies - beautiful flowers and fish caught before dawn. I went this morning - bought fresh strawberries, squash, cherries, salmon, hydrangea, and some french green beans. Dinner should be fabulous tonight :)
I'm signing up for french classes at l'alliance francais with my girl friend C. They start in july. I'm also starting additional classes in august through december. I'm planning on going paris in october and need to brush up on my language skills. I used to be fluent and i've completely lost my grasp of the language. I can still understand and speak french - but to a limited degree - and if i'm in paris i want to feel completely comfortable. So i'm really looking forward to it. I love the language - it's so beautiful and to be fluent again is something i really want. After that, i think i'll take italian.
Other than that - not a whole lot has gone on - or rather - a lot has gone on, but i just don't feel inclined to put it to paper, so to speak. So, rather than fill up this page with a bunch of words, i think i'll end this post and write more when i have something more interesting to say...
Until then - ciao - K
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wheel of Torture
I left the remote across the room - accidently - out of reach as i curled up on the couch and watched Jeopardy. The show ended and it's bastard cousin - Wheel of Fortune - came on. It's something like "College Week" - i think - there were marching bands...
The first puzzle - "Place" - 2 lines 9 letters each.
A girl in uniform with french braids (french braids...??) started solving the puzzle.
Oh - and she yelled out - loudly - all the letters she wanted . Charming.
The crowd is totally getting into it - cheering louder with each spin and correct letter.
She screaches - I want to buy a VOWELLLLLLL
I want to buy another VOWELLL!!
The crowd is going crazy at this point - she just landed on some special $10,000 dollar section of the wheel.
Another Vowel PAT!!!
"College Week" - need i say more...
The first puzzle - "Place" - 2 lines 9 letters each.
A girl in uniform with french braids (french braids...??) started solving the puzzle.
Oh - and she yelled out - loudly - all the letters she wanted . Charming.
The crowd is totally getting into it - cheering louder with each spin and correct letter.
She screaches - I want to buy a VOWELLLLLLL
I want to buy another VOWELLL!!
The crowd is going crazy at this point - she just landed on some special $10,000 dollar section of the wheel.
Another Vowel PAT!!!
Pat is caught up in the frenzy at this point "You ready to solve the puzzle?"
She responds "No" defiantly - and spins again - barely missing 'Bankrupt"
- the crowd lets out some OHHHHs and she yells out...
"College Week" - need i say more...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Highs and lows
I haven't written in a while. I've been busy - work - play - the usual. Went to Tahoe with friends and cleaned up at the Craps table - love that game - all they do is give you money. I ended up driving up for 1 day - rather than 2. It was still fun - we (4 of us who kept winning and didn't want to leave) got home saturday night around 3:30am from the casinos and woke the house up coming in...drunk and noisy. Was so glad i went - it ended up being a great weekend - really felt like a mini vacation.
Work has been incredibly busy and very stressful - i got thrown under the bus yesterday by a Sales Executive and i turned around and threw him into an oncoming train. He won't be doing that again... i swear - i love it when these guys think that i have some massive team behind me when in actuality - it's only me - supporting the strategic efforts of the entire global sales group. This was some new SE who didn't know how the process worked and when he snapped his fingers - figuratively - at me to hustle - and then pointed that just snapped finger at me when i didn't jump to his command fast enough (i have 9 deals this week - all due sometime this week - and his is due next week) - he threw me under the bus - in an email - of course cc'd to numerous people. Much to his dismay - i went for his jugular when i responded to his email. It was also vindicating when his regional director emailed all that were cc'd on his email to me - telling him not to blame me for his mishandling of his deal. Good. Fuck you. He picked the wrong day to screw with me.
I've been having a lot of self doubt lately - trying to figure out if what i'm doing is what i'm supposed to be doing. I'm being headhunted - pretty aggressively - and while it would be a lateral move - it would be to a more stable company - and very familiar territory. I'm going to push the money issue with them and see if they're still interested - see how badly they want me. I honestly don't know. When i say 'stable' in terms of my company - i'm talking about the other company being an older, established... my company is a baby in terms of how long it's been around (we're public and an industry leader - i'm not talking start-up) - and while i love what i do - the security of going back to into the other realm is somewhat tempting. I'm conflicted.
I'm being vague because i have to. I'm sure you understand.
I'm going for cocktails tomorrow night with one of my girlfriends - C - she's been one of my best friends since college. I absolutely adore her. We're meeting a group of friends - and friends of friends at a very cool - very european bar/restaurant at 8:30pm. I did a little fake tanning (i use the 'towelettes' rather than the lotion - i always miss spots with the lotion) so i don't look so pale. I did get some color up in Tahoe - but not enough - i want to be honey colored. So - i woke today with the exact color i wanted (upper body only - wearing a suit - no need for the legs) - and i don't know what it is - but i feel so much better when i have some color on me - i don't want to tan anymore - i used to LOVE tanning - i would lay out for hours - and spending half my life in hawaii - that is basically expected - and i would get golden brown - i loved it. But now - ug - i can't bare the idea of leathery skin or wrinkles in my future - so now my tan comes from the bottle - so to speak...
I'll update on the cocktails later this week if anything fun happens. I've decided against going to the ball in monte carlo - and instead i'm going to head to paris (and probably london) in october for another ball. Should be amazing...
Nothing else is going on - just the usual stuff - rich is great - i'm heading back to NY in june to spend some time with him and do some work. Cannot wait - i miss him very much.
Ciao - K
Work has been incredibly busy and very stressful - i got thrown under the bus yesterday by a Sales Executive and i turned around and threw him into an oncoming train. He won't be doing that again... i swear - i love it when these guys think that i have some massive team behind me when in actuality - it's only me - supporting the strategic efforts of the entire global sales group. This was some new SE who didn't know how the process worked and when he snapped his fingers - figuratively - at me to hustle - and then pointed that just snapped finger at me when i didn't jump to his command fast enough (i have 9 deals this week - all due sometime this week - and his is due next week) - he threw me under the bus - in an email - of course cc'd to numerous people. Much to his dismay - i went for his jugular when i responded to his email. It was also vindicating when his regional director emailed all that were cc'd on his email to me - telling him not to blame me for his mishandling of his deal. Good. Fuck you. He picked the wrong day to screw with me.
I've been having a lot of self doubt lately - trying to figure out if what i'm doing is what i'm supposed to be doing. I'm being headhunted - pretty aggressively - and while it would be a lateral move - it would be to a more stable company - and very familiar territory. I'm going to push the money issue with them and see if they're still interested - see how badly they want me. I honestly don't know. When i say 'stable' in terms of my company - i'm talking about the other company being an older, established... my company is a baby in terms of how long it's been around (we're public and an industry leader - i'm not talking start-up) - and while i love what i do - the security of going back to into the other realm is somewhat tempting. I'm conflicted.
I'm being vague because i have to. I'm sure you understand.
I'm going for cocktails tomorrow night with one of my girlfriends - C - she's been one of my best friends since college. I absolutely adore her. We're meeting a group of friends - and friends of friends at a very cool - very european bar/restaurant at 8:30pm. I did a little fake tanning (i use the 'towelettes' rather than the lotion - i always miss spots with the lotion) so i don't look so pale. I did get some color up in Tahoe - but not enough - i want to be honey colored. So - i woke today with the exact color i wanted (upper body only - wearing a suit - no need for the legs) - and i don't know what it is - but i feel so much better when i have some color on me - i don't want to tan anymore - i used to LOVE tanning - i would lay out for hours - and spending half my life in hawaii - that is basically expected - and i would get golden brown - i loved it. But now - ug - i can't bare the idea of leathery skin or wrinkles in my future - so now my tan comes from the bottle - so to speak...
I'll update on the cocktails later this week if anything fun happens. I've decided against going to the ball in monte carlo - and instead i'm going to head to paris (and probably london) in october for another ball. Should be amazing...
Nothing else is going on - just the usual stuff - rich is great - i'm heading back to NY in june to spend some time with him and do some work. Cannot wait - i miss him very much.
Ciao - K
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Back in SF
Hi all -
It's been a while - i got back from NY 2 week ago (tomorrow) - and it still feels like i just left. I haven't unpacked yet. I mean - i've taken out all the pretty things i bought - but the other crap - stiletto's - pashmina's - down jacket - and that pair of jeans i never wore are still socked away - waiting to be put in their proper places. I have no intention of doing that any time soon. Maybe the pashmina's - i hate to wear them when they're wrinkled. The suitcase has moved from one hallway to another though - so i'm making progress - it actually has left it's original resting point from when i arrived home at 1:30am.
NY was amazing - we had THE best time. Saw all our friends - cocktailed - dined out - found new fabulous restaurants - Jane and Metsovo (we went there twice) - we had drinks at the Hudson - and Mercer Kitchen - had dinner at Balthazar - brunch at Jacques - had THE quintessential NY star sighting - Donald. Yes, Donald Trump - SO nice - soft hands - held the door for me - i think Melania was there too but i was so freaking awe struck that i didn't even notice - i did scamper away quickly enough to grab this photo from my camera phone of him opening the door.

Yes, i'm a dork - but it was Donald - and there are few - very very few people i would ever snap a picture of or be so totally excited to see - except maybe lenny kravitz - but that's an entirely different story - it involves shoe shopping and well - never mind... i digress - we saw all our friends and seriously had the best time. Always sad to leave as the weather was so beautiful. It did snow the day before i left which was odd, but so pretty. The day i left if was nice again. So hard to leave...
Since i've been home - i've seen my nephews - and family - had dinner with mom and dad - gave the little monkeys their presents - as well as the rest of the family. Oh yeah, and i ended up in the hospital because of my back. I tweaked it somehow - and it just kept getting worse and worse until i ended up at the emergency room last tuesday. I spent the day there - blech the general masses - especially when ill - are just so revolting - i had one man in front of me on a gurney ( in my little exam room) - moaning 'Ooooooooh' - over and over and over and over and over and over and i shit you not OVER again. He'd throw in "I'm VERY sick" every now and then to break up the monotony of his 'oooooh's. It was special. The staff knew him by name and strapped him to the bed so he wouldn't get up and walk around - which he was prone to doing. Lovely. I don't need to describe the others to you - trust me - it was no glamour party.
I finally see my doctor - kinda Dr. McDreamy - except i'm fairly certain he was gay - and we talked about my back - and he gave me a horse pill to take to ease some of the pain - and then when he realized i was driving myself home - he couldn't do much more other than give me prescriptions. I was told to get dressed - and the nurse would have prescriptions ready. While getting dressed - i had a massive back spasm in the bathroom - um, ew - and could barely stand upright - literally - it's like the middle of my back gave out. It took me a good 5 minutes to compose myself - get dressed - literally grab my prescriptions and drive to walgreen's to have them filled. When i finally got home - i took 2 codeine - 1 valium and don't remember much else. I slept on the couch that night - was basically in hibernation for the next few days - waking to take my meds - and then sleep. Rich took care to call me often - check up on me - i barely remember those conversations - but i know he called all the time - which is so very sweet.
I'm better now - off the major drugs and just taking ibuprofen - not a lot - but daily. I'm bringing what is left over to NY next time i go to make sure i have stuff handy in case something like this happens again. I have a bad back - it's been this way for a while - i have a compressed disc - but it's manageable. This was different - and it wouldn't get better. But finally - i'm okay. Phew.
I'm wondering if there is anything else - oh yeah - remember my cocktails with the prince in january - well i've been invited to a ball in monte carlo in june - to celebrate the 1st anniversary of prince andrew's ascension to the throne. I have literally no idea if i'll be going - but holy shit - how fabulous is that!
All else is well - K
It's been a while - i got back from NY 2 week ago (tomorrow) - and it still feels like i just left. I haven't unpacked yet. I mean - i've taken out all the pretty things i bought - but the other crap - stiletto's - pashmina's - down jacket - and that pair of jeans i never wore are still socked away - waiting to be put in their proper places. I have no intention of doing that any time soon. Maybe the pashmina's - i hate to wear them when they're wrinkled. The suitcase has moved from one hallway to another though - so i'm making progress - it actually has left it's original resting point from when i arrived home at 1:30am.
NY was amazing - we had THE best time. Saw all our friends - cocktailed - dined out - found new fabulous restaurants - Jane and Metsovo (we went there twice) - we had drinks at the Hudson - and Mercer Kitchen - had dinner at Balthazar - brunch at Jacques - had THE quintessential NY star sighting - Donald. Yes, Donald Trump - SO nice - soft hands - held the door for me - i think Melania was there too but i was so freaking awe struck that i didn't even notice - i did scamper away quickly enough to grab this photo from my camera phone of him opening the door.

Yes, i'm a dork - but it was Donald - and there are few - very very few people i would ever snap a picture of or be so totally excited to see - except maybe lenny kravitz - but that's an entirely different story - it involves shoe shopping and well - never mind... i digress - we saw all our friends and seriously had the best time. Always sad to leave as the weather was so beautiful. It did snow the day before i left which was odd, but so pretty. The day i left if was nice again. So hard to leave...
Since i've been home - i've seen my nephews - and family - had dinner with mom and dad - gave the little monkeys their presents - as well as the rest of the family. Oh yeah, and i ended up in the hospital because of my back. I tweaked it somehow - and it just kept getting worse and worse until i ended up at the emergency room last tuesday. I spent the day there - blech the general masses - especially when ill - are just so revolting - i had one man in front of me on a gurney ( in my little exam room) - moaning 'Ooooooooh' - over and over and over and over and over and over and i shit you not OVER again. He'd throw in "I'm VERY sick" every now and then to break up the monotony of his 'oooooh's. It was special. The staff knew him by name and strapped him to the bed so he wouldn't get up and walk around - which he was prone to doing. Lovely. I don't need to describe the others to you - trust me - it was no glamour party.
I finally see my doctor - kinda Dr. McDreamy - except i'm fairly certain he was gay - and we talked about my back - and he gave me a horse pill to take to ease some of the pain - and then when he realized i was driving myself home - he couldn't do much more other than give me prescriptions. I was told to get dressed - and the nurse would have prescriptions ready. While getting dressed - i had a massive back spasm in the bathroom - um, ew - and could barely stand upright - literally - it's like the middle of my back gave out. It took me a good 5 minutes to compose myself - get dressed - literally grab my prescriptions and drive to walgreen's to have them filled. When i finally got home - i took 2 codeine - 1 valium and don't remember much else. I slept on the couch that night - was basically in hibernation for the next few days - waking to take my meds - and then sleep. Rich took care to call me often - check up on me - i barely remember those conversations - but i know he called all the time - which is so very sweet.
I'm better now - off the major drugs and just taking ibuprofen - not a lot - but daily. I'm bringing what is left over to NY next time i go to make sure i have stuff handy in case something like this happens again. I have a bad back - it's been this way for a while - i have a compressed disc - but it's manageable. This was different - and it wouldn't get better. But finally - i'm okay. Phew.
I'm wondering if there is anything else - oh yeah - remember my cocktails with the prince in january - well i've been invited to a ball in monte carlo in june - to celebrate the 1st anniversary of prince andrew's ascension to the throne. I have literally no idea if i'll be going - but holy shit - how fabulous is that!
All else is well - K
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More later - K
Monday, March 27, 2006
Big Apple
Monday, March 13, 2006
It's a motherfucking walk-off!
Project Runway ended with a fizzle. Chloe won with her tribute to 1980's prom attire. The colors - the fabrics - the style - it was all pretty awful. But for some reason - the judges loved her. I think Santino got robbed - his collection was sick! The Burgundy leather knickers with the champagne colored wisp of a top - so sexy - the ethereal dresses - the colors - the fabrics - his clothes begged to be touched. Chloe's begged for the costume desginer for Dynasty to raid her collection. Awful. I was iffy on Daniel's collection - while some of his pieces were stunning - i didn't like the medallion on the front of the chocolate brown silk dress - it was unnecessary. I thought his slacks/sweater/shortsleeved shirt ensembles were boring except for the one with the low cut corset vest - that was very sexy. I thought the brocade jacket was stunning as was the white cashmere coat with matte silver buttons. Gorgeous. I like his pale pale pale aqua wrap sweater with satin trim. His handbags did have a bit of high school wood shop to them - but i liked what they added to the pieces.
All in all - i would have given Santino the top prize - then Daniel and lastly, Chloe. I keep trying to see what they saw in her collection and i simply can't. I thought it was garish and dated. And - AND - who wears mermaid dresses?? WHO?? No one, that's who! Who wears fuschia damask and gold lame? She designed a line of truly hideous mother of the bride dresses - with matchy matchy shrugs. Awful.
Also - Debra Messing - while fabulous in her own right - and always fantasically dressed on Will & Grace - i would hardly consider her a fashion icon. I have no idea why she would have been the final guest judge. Sarah Jessica Parker - Sharon Stone - Selma Blair - Kate Moss - so many others who are known for their fashion sense - the innateness of their style - Kate Beckinsale - Gwenyth Paltrow - Nicole Ritchie - etc - there are so many others - i don't know why - and they didn't explain why either - they chose Debra.
I was so disappointed. My sister and i talked at each commercial - critiquing each collection - calling out certain pieces - fawning over others. We both agreed that Santino should have won. We thought Chloe's was terrible - that Daniel's needed more cohesion. Santino hit the mark. We hung up after the show - baffled. Annoyed. Let down.
So be it - the fashion god's weren't smiling upon us that day. Cannot wait for next season - hopefully it will be as good as this one has been. Or at least as good as this one until Chloe won.
Make it work!
Side note - the new show - Top Chef - - their house is like 2 blocks from my apt :) excited to finally have a reality show based in SF. Watched the fist episode last night - it was awesome! One thing about chef's - they're assholes mostly - perfectionists - temperamental - arrogant - demanding and as such - this should make for amazing reality tv!
All in all - i would have given Santino the top prize - then Daniel and lastly, Chloe. I keep trying to see what they saw in her collection and i simply can't. I thought it was garish and dated. And - AND - who wears mermaid dresses?? WHO?? No one, that's who! Who wears fuschia damask and gold lame? She designed a line of truly hideous mother of the bride dresses - with matchy matchy shrugs. Awful.
Also - Debra Messing - while fabulous in her own right - and always fantasically dressed on Will & Grace - i would hardly consider her a fashion icon. I have no idea why she would have been the final guest judge. Sarah Jessica Parker - Sharon Stone - Selma Blair - Kate Moss - so many others who are known for their fashion sense - the innateness of their style - Kate Beckinsale - Gwenyth Paltrow - Nicole Ritchie - etc - there are so many others - i don't know why - and they didn't explain why either - they chose Debra.
I was so disappointed. My sister and i talked at each commercial - critiquing each collection - calling out certain pieces - fawning over others. We both agreed that Santino should have won. We thought Chloe's was terrible - that Daniel's needed more cohesion. Santino hit the mark. We hung up after the show - baffled. Annoyed. Let down.
So be it - the fashion god's weren't smiling upon us that day. Cannot wait for next season - hopefully it will be as good as this one has been. Or at least as good as this one until Chloe won.
Make it work!
Side note - the new show - Top Chef - - their house is like 2 blocks from my apt :) excited to finally have a reality show based in SF. Watched the fist episode last night - it was awesome! One thing about chef's - they're assholes mostly - perfectionists - temperamental - arrogant - demanding and as such - this should make for amazing reality tv!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Project Runway
My pick for tonight's finale of Project Runway is...
Santino Rice
Yes - he's crazy and arrogant and at times a complete mess - but i think - with respect to a collection - and from what i've seen of his final runway collection - it's better than both Chloe and Daniel. I totally respect someone who says what is on their mind - even if (especially if) it's snarky and off the cuff - and if Santino is anything - he's that guy. He's also hysterically funny - which is a big plus in my book.
While Daniel might be a better designer - with more wearable pieces - his collection wasn't awe inspiring. Santino's was.
So that's my pick - we'll see tonight if i'm right.
Ciao - K
ps - i still think Nick should have won.
Santino Rice
Yes - he's crazy and arrogant and at times a complete mess - but i think - with respect to a collection - and from what i've seen of his final runway collection - it's better than both Chloe and Daniel. I totally respect someone who says what is on their mind - even if (especially if) it's snarky and off the cuff - and if Santino is anything - he's that guy. He's also hysterically funny - which is a big plus in my book.
While Daniel might be a better designer - with more wearable pieces - his collection wasn't awe inspiring. Santino's was.
So that's my pick - we'll see tonight if i'm right.
Ciao - K
ps - i still think Nick should have won.
Friday, March 03, 2006

I need to get something off my chest. I have no idea why this has bothered me so much lately, but it has - and i think it's time i address it. It's the damn Geico gecko. I've noticed something of late - he's got a heavy cockney accent - like he's from the dodgey end of town.
When he first appeared in these commercials - he had a rather high class british accent - drove a classic red convertible and had quite a way with the ladies. He was the james bond of the amphibian jet set.
Now, he's talking about pie and chips and, frankly, should be auditioning for a coveted role in a Guy Ritchie film. I suppose this is to appeal to the masses - but making him more accessible - more likeable - but i kind of equate this to swapping out the Darren's on Bewitched - it's unsettling. Did they think we wouldn't notice?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
This horrific turn of events was repulsive enough to make me come out of hiding.
What's next - our right to vote? Go to college? Are we suddenly back in the 50s? Should we go back to segregation between blacks and whites? Own slaves? Should we go back to witch hunts and public hangings? I'm so appalled and sickened by this. This country - this administration - is rapidly moving in the worst possible direction - and slowly but steadily chipping away at women's rights. It's unbelievable - and incredibly frightening.
What's even more appalling is the fact that this was done specifically to begin the methodical erosion of Roe v. Wade - and essentially, women's rights and health.
What's next - our right to vote? Go to college? Are we suddenly back in the 50s? Should we go back to segregation between blacks and whites? Own slaves? Should we go back to witch hunts and public hangings? I'm so appalled and sickened by this. This country - this administration - is rapidly moving in the worst possible direction - and slowly but steadily chipping away at women's rights. It's unbelievable - and incredibly frightening.
What's even more appalling is the fact that this was done specifically to begin the methodical erosion of Roe v. Wade - and essentially, women's rights and health.
This is a sad sad day...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Champagne and Advil
Hungover. Hung. Over. That's what i can say about partying with a prince. He was extremely nice - quiet - flanked by a bodyguard - and dressed impeccably. I arrived with L a bit after the party started - and there were numerous people already there - milling about - looking fabulous. Me, you ask - well i was wearing a black gucci suit, dior stilettos and my black wool boucle chanel bag. Hair down, red lips, a smattering of jewelry and a pashmina finished the look.
L and i grabbed champagne and she introduced me to the prince. He was older than i thought he would be, but handsome and for lack of a better word, gentle. We shook hands, clinked champagne glasses and toasted to his birthday. We talked about the opening of the ballet (the night before) - his visit to San Francisco, and his love of Paris and London. More and more people arrived - each more interesting than the next - P, an ex model, now in tv, had the most amazing blue eyes - he noticed my david yurman bracelets and we discussed different jewelry and our favorite pieces (my bracelets and his john hardy cufflinks); R - tall and swarthy, fluent in 5 languages and ceo of an advertising company - we talked favorite restaurants in NY - his growing up on Paris and his bi-coastal life these days; K - a fabulous 'latina' with a contagious thirst for fun - she looked effortlessly chic and we talked about her life in london and NY and her recent move to SF. Everyone drank and chatted and flirted and talked 'ohhhh you know him too' and 'how do you know the prince' and 'oh we met at the ball in paris - you have to come in june' - 'sundance was such a bore' - 'the clubs in San Francisco are terrible' - 'I so miss London's nightlife' - 'sweetie are you coming to Monaco too' - and so many other interesting, surreal, fascinating, ridiculous and marvelous conversations.
The champagne flowed and we must have gone through at least (at least) 2 cases by the time i was ready to go. His last birthday party, according to several of the guests, lasted until nearly noon the next day - and the evening was still in full swing with people still arriving even at this late hour. However, while my stilettos are fabulous and sexy - they are also messengers of pain and i could barely stand up at this point - add the nearly 5 glasses of champagne and it's no wonder i was having issues staying upright. I made the rounds and said goodbye to my new friends - double-cheek air kisses and business cards were exchanged with abandon - and we made plans to all get together soon. Soon.
I said ciao. Ciaoooo. Not the american 'chow' - but the Italian smokey, sultry, batted eyelash, drawn out version which oozes sexiness. Ciaooooo. It felt good.
Ciaoooooo dahhhling.
L and i grabbed champagne and she introduced me to the prince. He was older than i thought he would be, but handsome and for lack of a better word, gentle. We shook hands, clinked champagne glasses and toasted to his birthday. We talked about the opening of the ballet (the night before) - his visit to San Francisco, and his love of Paris and London. More and more people arrived - each more interesting than the next - P, an ex model, now in tv, had the most amazing blue eyes - he noticed my david yurman bracelets and we discussed different jewelry and our favorite pieces (my bracelets and his john hardy cufflinks); R - tall and swarthy, fluent in 5 languages and ceo of an advertising company - we talked favorite restaurants in NY - his growing up on Paris and his bi-coastal life these days; K - a fabulous 'latina' with a contagious thirst for fun - she looked effortlessly chic and we talked about her life in london and NY and her recent move to SF. Everyone drank and chatted and flirted and talked 'ohhhh you know him too' and 'how do you know the prince' and 'oh we met at the ball in paris - you have to come in june' - 'sundance was such a bore' - 'the clubs in San Francisco are terrible' - 'I so miss London's nightlife' - 'sweetie are you coming to Monaco too' - and so many other interesting, surreal, fascinating, ridiculous and marvelous conversations.
The champagne flowed and we must have gone through at least (at least) 2 cases by the time i was ready to go. His last birthday party, according to several of the guests, lasted until nearly noon the next day - and the evening was still in full swing with people still arriving even at this late hour. However, while my stilettos are fabulous and sexy - they are also messengers of pain and i could barely stand up at this point - add the nearly 5 glasses of champagne and it's no wonder i was having issues staying upright. I made the rounds and said goodbye to my new friends - double-cheek air kisses and business cards were exchanged with abandon - and we made plans to all get together soon. Soon.
I said ciao. Ciaoooo. Not the american 'chow' - but the Italian smokey, sultry, batted eyelash, drawn out version which oozes sexiness. Ciaooooo. It felt good.
Ciaoooooo dahhhling.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Catch Up
I haven't posted in a while - work was crazy the first half of this month - trying to get a deal closed - spending the rest of my time with rich - seeing friends in NY - etc. I pushed my flight back twice and only went home when i did because i had a date with my nephew (he's 5) that i couldn't cancel. I've been playing catch-up since i've gotten home - saw some friends on Friday night - had a few cocktails and went to a new restaurant on Chestnut called Mamacita - it was good - a bit overpriced for mexican - but the food wasn't typical mexican either - pumpkin seed crusted seared ahi with a cilantro lime sauce - stuff like that. Yum. Went to a few bars after that - ran into some friends we hadn't seen in a while - typical friday night.
Nothing much else to report - except that i've got this amazing cocktail party to attend on Thursday night - from what i understand - royalty is going to be there - a prince - it's his birthday and that's the reason for the party - should be fun :)
I'll dish about the party on Friday.
Ciao - K
Nothing much else to report - except that i've got this amazing cocktail party to attend on Thursday night - from what i understand - royalty is going to be there - a prince - it's his birthday and that's the reason for the party - should be fun :)
I'll dish about the party on Friday.
Ciao - K
Friday, January 06, 2006
Kitten in the Big City
I'm sitting at my desk - looking down on what i believe to be madison square garden - it's just a giant circle so i can't imagine what else that would be - and given that my office is across the street - i'm fairly certain on this assumption. The skies are grey and the buildings in my view look rather dark and dirty. The 'woooop woooop' of a siren just passed somewhere below. I can see part of a church spire - jutting upward 17-18 floors - the brick is a dark deep red - patinaed, now aqua, bronze crosses stand atop smaller spires circling the largest. I'm a bit of a voyeur - i love looking into the other buildings. There's a mix of apartments and offices. I find it interesting to watch people go about their daily lives. I like to see how people live - what their homes look like - what they surround themselves with. I've peeked into some amazing homes and have also seen some sad little hovels - each is interesting though - each makes a statement.
This is such an incredible city. I love the energy - the pulse - the palpable buzz - it's constant. I love soho - rich and i spend most of our weekends in that area. I love the exposed cobblestones - the bottleglass sidewalk grates - the smaller side streets - the architecture - the whole sense of the area. The artists and actors, the boho's and the ladies who lunch - the street vendors and the shopkeepers - they've created this eclectic mix of social utopia - where - regardless of stature - they're all together - brushing elbows - mixing it up - finding their corner - owning their space. I'm aware i romanticize the area - but it's the way i see it - and i wouldn't change a thing.
I've been here a week - and this trip has been more mellow than the others - which is nice actually. It's more like being home than being 'away'. We're ordering in rather than going out - we're having friends over - spending time with other couples - groups of friends. It's more of how our life will be than the other trips - it's more settled - more constant.
The grey skies are breaking up a bit and there's a steady stream of puffy white steam coming off the roof of madison square garden. The last time i was here we saw a guy parachute past our windows. Without so much as lifting his head from his paperwork - one of my co-workers says - man is he in a shitload of trouble once he lands. Maybe it's the parachuting executive - or the way they say fuck in the office (all the time) - or the way we can order sushi and omelets at 3am if the mood strikes - or that it's cold enough to swaddle myself in my new chinchilla wrap - or the way the buildings look when the sun sets behind them - or how i feel young when i'm here - almost innocent - or how when i carry groceries back to rich's i wonder if people think i'm a new yorker - or the sense of endless possibility - or how central park looks with a fresh blanket of footprint-free snow - or how i feel pulled back here - again and again and again - but i think i have a crush on new york.
Yeah, I'm smitten.

This is such an incredible city. I love the energy - the pulse - the palpable buzz - it's constant. I love soho - rich and i spend most of our weekends in that area. I love the exposed cobblestones - the bottleglass sidewalk grates - the smaller side streets - the architecture - the whole sense of the area. The artists and actors, the boho's and the ladies who lunch - the street vendors and the shopkeepers - they've created this eclectic mix of social utopia - where - regardless of stature - they're all together - brushing elbows - mixing it up - finding their corner - owning their space. I'm aware i romanticize the area - but it's the way i see it - and i wouldn't change a thing.
I've been here a week - and this trip has been more mellow than the others - which is nice actually. It's more like being home than being 'away'. We're ordering in rather than going out - we're having friends over - spending time with other couples - groups of friends. It's more of how our life will be than the other trips - it's more settled - more constant.
The grey skies are breaking up a bit and there's a steady stream of puffy white steam coming off the roof of madison square garden. The last time i was here we saw a guy parachute past our windows. Without so much as lifting his head from his paperwork - one of my co-workers says - man is he in a shitload of trouble once he lands. Maybe it's the parachuting executive - or the way they say fuck in the office (all the time) - or the way we can order sushi and omelets at 3am if the mood strikes - or that it's cold enough to swaddle myself in my new chinchilla wrap - or the way the buildings look when the sun sets behind them - or how i feel young when i'm here - almost innocent - or how when i carry groceries back to rich's i wonder if people think i'm a new yorker - or the sense of endless possibility - or how central park looks with a fresh blanket of footprint-free snow - or how i feel pulled back here - again and again and again - but i think i have a crush on new york.
Yeah, I'm smitten.

Sunday, January 01, 2006
Out with the old...
Here's to wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2006.
Much love - K
Here's to wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2006.
Much love - K
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