Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I'm heading to ny on thursday morning - spending new year's with rich and friends. I'll be staying until the 10th i think - need to check my ticket. Of course i had to do a little shopping to prepare for the cold - new jacket - and i'm thinking of getting this for the trip - but in black - or maybe this - i haven't decided yet. I think i like the second one better. But the first is more classic. And if you're a fan of PETA - spare me the lecture - thanks.
I've got a deal closing today - so i need to get back to work - and then head to marin to take back the present i bought for my youngest nephew - my sister and i bought the exact same outfit for him - so i'm taking mine back. They're in hawaii right now - on the big island - until the first - they go every year with her husband's family. When i talked to her yesterday - she put the little one on the phone and he can now say beach - and surf - but not my name. He is still calling me kaka. Or he'll call me kiki - which is my mom. It's okay - he'll get kaia soon enough...
So looking forward to NY - and spending some very very needed time with rich. :)
On that note - it's back to work - K
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Dream on
I keep wondering how much is enough. I do well - i'm very lucky. But i want more. And more. And i wonder if that will cease. When will enough - be 'enough'. When will i be satisfied that i'm where i need to be - when i have 50,000 in the bank? 250,000? 500,000? A million? I think that when i get to 1 million, i'm going to want 2 and then 3. I'm not sure if it's drive and ambition - a need to push myself farther and succeed beyond my expectations of myself - or if it's something more - something vain and empty - something lacking.
I look at people who have so little - yet seem so okay with where they are and where they're never going to be. I wonder what their secret is. I wonder where they find their happiness - how they find their happiness. For all i know - they're the only people in their family to have finished high school - or reached a manager position at a restaurant - and to them - they have succeeded beyond their expectations - they are the family watermark. I suppose every family has their own.
If i had millions of dollars - (let's just face it - you need millions as 1 million just doesn't cut it anymore - that would go so quickly - house - car - new wardrobe - fabulous party - hey - where's my money!) - enough where i could do what i wanted - i would quit my job and start a foundation - or open a boutique. I think the boutique would be much more fun - not as karmically good - but more fun. I would sell home accessories - gorgeous and decadent - and frivolous. I'd invest. Buy art - lautrec, picasso, cheret, warhol, kandinsky, miro and calder. Start a trust for both of my nephews. Hire a trainer. Throw the sickest parties. I'd buy a loft in SoHo and have a home in Pacific Heights. I'd live.
Monday, December 12, 2005
I'm just so sick of all the pandering bullshit that i see - the ass kissing - the total and utter lack of talent. It kills me. Killllllllls me. And i can't say a word.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Moving forward
I was supposed to be going to NY this thursday - to see rich and go to my cousin's wedding. It was getting too complicated and with NYE coming up - i didn't want to make that trip twice in 1 month. Not sure what we're doing for NYE - plans so far are dinner with friends - and cocktails. It'll be fun. Looking forward to it - i've never spent NYE in NY - and i hear it's an incredible city to ring in the new year. I have no interest in heading out to some club - amongst the throngs of people - fighting my way to the bar for drinks - screaming over the music - etc - that is so unappetizing to me. Hopefully we'll go someplace fun - for dinner and drinks - and then stay. Honestly, i'm not a huge fan of NYE. It seems that so many people are trying to hard to have fun - that it ends up being a fairly lame night. I'd much rather stay home - have a fabulous bottle of champagne and ring in the new year with rich - than among the masses. But we're definitely doing dinner which is great - because the people we're having dinner with are great - and fun - so it should make for a good night.
The best NYE so far - had to be when 1999 turned to 2000. I was out with one of my dearest girlfriends - M - and we went to a black tie private party at Balboa in SF. The drinks flowed - everyone looked amazing - we had an incredible night. The DJ put on Prince's 'party like it's 1999' when the countdown to 2000 started and everyone went crazy - dancing on tables - screaming - it was hysterical. M and i were jumping up and down hugging eachother - spilling champagne everywhere - laughing and kissing boys. It really was such a fun night - definitely my favorite NYE so far. Until maybe this year...
Meow - K
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Get the pom-poms out
Oh, and i'm sick. And PMSing.
Yay me.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Wishes don't always come true...
This is one of the responses:
- i wish you had the time to proof the doc for grammar and or complete sentenses
This is so far from what my role in the company is - it almost cancels out her grotesque spelling error. I don't proof documents, i plan the global strategy on key deals - where in that does it scream admin?
In the dinosaur world - she would have been eaten by now...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I see dead people

I went to a psychic this past Saturday - I usually go once a year - just to make sure i'm on the right path - if there are any red flags or roadblocks i need to be aware of. I hadn't gone the last few years - in fact - the last time i went was in 2001 - in New Orleans - actually a phenomenal place for psychic readings etc. However, rather than go to a reputable, known psychic - on a whim, while walking through Jackson Square, I sat down with a street 'psychic' and had him read my 'fortune'. He did tarot and my palm (which i hate and rarely have read because of an inordinately short life line) - and for the most part - it was a benign reading - nothing of note. I wouldn't recommend going to a street psychic if you're actually looking for guidance or insight - most of them are charlatans - but by all means - enjoy the novelty of it if the mood strikes.
When i go to a psychic - and if i'm in a relationship - i don't ask about it - i don't want the outside influence - good or bad. It's too easy to read what you want to hear in what they are saying - and there are certain things that i prefer to guide myself on. However, if i'm not in a relationship - i'm totally open to hearing about what is on the horizon.
Right before my appt this weekend - rich and i were talking - about what i would be doing if i wasn't at my current job - i told him i would go back to being a floral designer/event planner. Once i sat down with my psychic - and he began to read my aura - he was laughing at the fact that that he could see flowers blooming in fast motion and couldn't understand why he was seeing that. Later on - when he asked me about a creative outlet - i told him i did floral design on the side - he made the connection. We talked about work - about my health - family - anything i need to be aware of - or watch out for. I also asked him about my own psychic tendencies (i'll go into that in another post) - and he acknowledged that i had them - but that they would be very hard to hone given my line of work and the amount of stress i'm under - and the absolute need for a relaxed state when nurturing those skills. My job carries too much stress and pressure for me to be 'relaxed' for any significant amount of time. He did suggest some things to me though which i will try.
He touched on some things and brought up certain events/issues that he couldn't have known otherwise - a compressed disk in my back, the names of my managers, certain aspects of my personality, my family, etc. The good news - i'm on the right path job wise although it's going to get a lot busier (how that is possible i have no idea - i'm capped out) - that i'm not going to have financial worries - and that any of my worries/concerns going in to see him were allayed after our session. The "bad" news - time to start taking better care of myself - tune into my body - this is a must. He explained in a very simple - yet very impactful way - you've seen a mom pulling a 2 year old around a grocery store - well, that's me and my body - i just keep on pushing forward and dragging my body behind me even though it needs down time, rest, recuperation and attention. He basically said i need to chill out.
Mind you, it took me 2 months to get this appointment, he comes highly recommended and his skill level is incredible. It was well worth the wait, a truly incredible reading. I'm definitely going to see him again. But don't worry - i'm not about to feng shui my house and start wearing long drapey caftans - unless, of course, Gucci delves into the new age market. Yeah, I think i'm safe.
Zen (back to Dior in a minute) Kitten - K
Friday, October 28, 2005

The Cheshire Cat!
I'm a sly cat who grins on the outside, but schemes on the inside. Even my best friends don't realize that I may actually be their worst enemy!
What kind of cat are you?
NY in a nutshell
I took the redeye out wednesday night (they kill me but it was the only viable option) - and arrived at 6am on Thursday - cabbed to rich's place and fell into bed and tried to get some sleep. We went to temple (BIG jewish holiday) - and then to his parents house to break the fast with his family. I was exhausted. I needed to get back to the hotel and into bed. So we left around Midnight.
We woke the next morning - Rich went off to work - i worked from the hotel and closed a deal. When he came back to the hotel we decided on Dos Caminos for dinner in Soho. Dinner was wonderful. It had rained, so the air was crisp and fresh - and people were walking around bundled up. SO gald i brought loads of cashmere.
We slept in on Saturday morning and then headed down to Soho for lunch at Mercer Kitchen - and then to Louis Vuitton to pick up a gift for Matt's birthday (it was in Sept - but i wasn't in NY to celebrate so we decided to have some fun in NY and celebrate in Nov). We did a bit more shopping - bought some great music from the resident DJ (DJ Lui) at one of our favorite stores "Lounge". I forgot my favorite stilettos - so we were on a search for sexy shoes for the party we had to attend that night. Alas, no sexy stilettos were found and i wanted to get back to nap before the party so we cabbed back to the W and napped and prepped for the party.
I wore a great black suit - gucci high heeled mules and the top that rich loves on me - sexy - slinky - black. Rich looked great - jeans - a striped oxford i bought for him (worn out, duh) and a cool chocolate brown cord blazer. The party was a great time - and we stayed very late - ended up getting an apres-party bite to eat with about 10 others at a diner - and wound up back home around 4am.
We checked out of the hotel on Sunday - and headed to Rich's apt - we settled in - I was exhausted - i wanted to nap - to not go out to dinner - to rest and just chill for the night. Thankfully - Rich agreed.
The next few days are a blur - i was fighting off a cold - and kept taking "Airborne" every few hours. As soon as i would feel better - i would top - and then i would start feeling crappy again.
Wednesday night Matt and i went to the Hudson hotel (pictured below) for cocktails in their outside area - very cool. We hung out for a while - had two bottles of wine (his brother dave joined us later) and sat under the canopy of trees and twinkling lights and caught up.

We had dinner at Les Halles on Thursday night - a wonderful french restaurant - very typical french bistro. While i wasn't feeling well - i had to go out - and Les Halles is a place we had to try. It was wonderful - truly - crowded and loud - but intimate. We had a window table and enjoyed a long leisurely dinner.

Friday night was sushi with a group of friends at Monster Sushi on the West side - fun - great sushi. Saturday came around and rich wasn't feeling well - we stayed in for most of the day - sleeping and lounging around. I was going to go to Bergdorf's and Barney's for a shopping fix - but didn't want to leave him if he wasn't 100%. Saturday night I went out to dinner with Matt and Jeremy. I made my way over to their place on the West Side - trudged up 4 flights to their fabulous apartment - and then made our way down the street to little restaurant for a quiet dinner. I gave Matt his birthday gift (a Louis Vuitton key case he wanted) - and dinner was long and fun. Dessert was wonderful - profiteroles and bread pudding (i only had the profiteroles though). It was pouring out - literally buckets - so we had to wait awhile before venturing back out - but once we did - Jeremy hailed me a cab - and with hugs and kisses - i headed back to Rich.
Sunday was shopping - heading over to Bergdorf Goodman to meet up with Matt and Jeremy. We made the rounds through Bergdorf's - then headed to Prada and Gucci and then on to Takashimaya (an amazing japanese department store on 5th Ave). Rich joined us a little later - and we headed down to Soho while Jeremy made his way back home to take a call from some friends in London. Matt, Rich and I cabbed to Mercer Hotel for a quick bite to eat. We sat upstairs, cocktailed and people watched. After a bit of shopping and vodka induced impulse purchases we made our way back to Matt's place and sat on their roof deck and took in the evening. Chilled we headed downstairs, ordered pizza and settled in. We left around 10pm - and headed back home to get ready for Monday.
I worked from home on Monday - and when Rich got home, rather than get ready and go out, we ordered in and snuggled up. Tuesday was a blur - work, last minute gifts, and finally meeting up with Rich. I packed and got ready for my flight - luckily, JFK was the only airport without delays. We lounged around, and tried to figure out when the next time we'd be together would be. We decided on December - the first week - I've got a family wedding and it seemed the easiest solution. It was so hard to leave - but he put me in a cab and we kissed goodbye.
As always - quite hard to leave - but there's December to look forward to. It was a great trip - we had such fun - spent time with amazing friends and bought some decadent yummy things. Nothing like a trip to NY...
On that note - i've got a friend coming into town tomorrow to celebrate/bemoan his disengagement to a woman who began to demonstrate some deal breaker behavior after he put the ring on her finger. I promised him lots of cocktails and lots of fun - so time to tidy up the house in preparation of a guest.
I'll update over the weekend if i have the time.
Meow - K
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Leavin' on a jet plane...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Turnabout is fair play

Now i don't personally think this is the kind of site that is fabulous or really worthy of it's internet existence - but i definitely know some girls who will feel vindicated by posting his pic and dropping a few lines to describe his hellacious behavior. So, to that, i say go for it darlings - this time it's about you.
Meow - K
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Icer Air pics
Thursday, September 29, 2005
It's Snowing!!
Check out the photos i took this AM - sorry for the crappy camera phone pics - but it's the best i could do. Enjoy.

The ramp on Fillmore leading to the jump

That blurry mass at the bottom is the jump

Blowing fresh snow down the ramp

Shot of the making of the 10 foot high jump
I got invited to go to the after party - something private and fun with all the boarders - jonny - and interestingly enough from what i hear - jake gyllenhaal - but i'm passing - i'm not a snow bunny - i'm a city bunny...
Swish Swish Swish - K
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Three Cheers for Insomnia

I did buy myself something lovely though - a little treat at www.vivre.com - one of my absolute favorite sites. Totally amazing and decadent - everything they have is like a little piece of luxury. I treated myself to a gorgeous, velvet-lined box of carved black ceramic housing 12 beautifully embossed notecards and envelopes with scallop detail at the corners.

I'm hoping this will pass soon...
Monday, September 26, 2005
Separated at Birth

I wasted yesterday away watching tv - running errands - and napping. My last errand of the day was to do a little grocery shopping - nothing major - just needed a few things. I was waiting in line at the express checkout - and noticed a girl waiting in line at the next checkout aisle over. She looked EXACTLY like Shrek. So she didn't have the trumpet like ears - or the greenish skin tone - but her face looked exactly like his - just picture Shrek with long braids - et voila. I totally couldn't stop staring. So not nice - but damn - it's not often you see Shrek shopping at Safeway.
Poor honey. Someone needs to get her a spa day and a makeover.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Great weekend

After dinner - we stumbled - literally - over to the bar area - trying to organize and decide where to go next. We decided on a little dive called Place Pigalle down the street. It was kind of a hole in the wall - dark - with sunken couches and beat up coffee tables - 2 pool tables in the back and a long battered bar along one wall. We commandeered the L shaped section at the end of the bar - near the front door and ordered more rounds of drinks. And then more. People began to say their goodbye's and head home. Kevin still wanted to party - for good reason - so we put our sights on Balboa. I never made it though - too much to drink - my feet were killing me (damn stiletto's) - and i was tired and wasn't interesting in partying anymore. I called rich on my way home - he was laughing because he could tell from my voice how much i'd had to drink. I fell into bed around 1am.
Saturday was recovery - i was hung over. Big time. So i popped some advil - drank lots of water and chilled on the couch. I didn't feel better until that evening and while i had offers to go out - i decided to stay in. I saw the movie the Grudge a few weeks ago - i love scary movies - and this didn't disappoint. Very scary - creepy actually. It's a take on the japanese film - Ju-On - which means Grudge (from my understanding) - about a murder/suicide that happened in a house - the spirits stayed at the house - and take out their pain and suffering on all those who enter. Well, i've heard the japanese version was even more frightening - and it was on - so while rich was out at a friend's birthday party in the Village - i turned off all the lights - lit candles - sunk into my couch - and watched the movie. It was definitely scary - and i could totally see how they americanized the version with sarah michelle gellar. I'd recommend both actually.
Sunday i headed over to the farmer's market - there is one right near me - and bought some fresh peaches, strawberries, some organic field greens and 2 croissants. MMM. Went home - fussed about and then headed out to one of my favorite stores - they were having a huge sale and i couldn't pass it up. I've talked about this secret store before - the most decadent gorgeous designer goods at a fraction - literally a Fraction of the cost in the stores. I got a gorgeous watch - it looks like a sterling silver rectangular pill box - topped with 2 small carved flowers with center stones flanked by a pearl - and it has an alligator band. Very very pretty - i think it was originally marked at over $400 - i bought it for $41. But the best deal i found were the Christian Dior boots - MEOW - so fucking hot - over $1,200 in the stores - i picked them up for under $200. What more could a girl ask for. Um - could those BE any sexier??

I got a few other things - almost purchased a pair of D&G stiletto's but passed - but i did pick up a darling little top - sprinkled with opalescent sequins at the botton. Very cute.
My parents called and asked me to join them for dinner. My uncle bill is in town and i hadn't seen him in a while so i thought that would be great - my sister/her husband and the babies were having dinner with friends and we would all meet up afterwards. I headed to marin - we were going to meet in tiburon for chinese food - but it was closed so we went to Rooney's - great little local place. Had a nice dinner - met up with the babies afterward at the waterfront pizza place - and hung out. Played with the babies for a bit - the little one loves my hair - likes to hold it in his hands and rub it together - i think it's darling - but i end up with a knotted 'fro afterward once he gets done. We all said our goodbyes - i'm sure i'll see bill again before he leaves back to NY. Headed back home to SF with rich in my ear.
Work is crazy so that weekend was needed - i've got a charity event to go to on thursday - i'll update after that party - should be Fun!
Meow - K
Sanity vs Stilettos

WTF. Are you kidding me? If i happened to be down there shopping - not unlikely - the square is flanked by gucci - dior - saks - neiman's - loro piana - etc - and saw that madness - certainly i would check it out - however - i would never - ever - park myself overnight - outside - for a 'chance' to get a pair of Choo's. They're beautiful shoes - decadent even - but to subject myself to being one or two rungs on the social ladder above the 35 year old basement dwelling dungeon and dragon playing virgins who camped out in front of the WRONG theatre in LA awaiting the arrival of the latest Star Wars episode - is something i would never do.

Go to Neiman's girls - you'll be much happier in the long run...
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Insomnia - yet again
It's not so much the work - it's the byproduct which is the insomnia. The tossing and turning - eyes wide open - the clock taunting me - clicking away minutes and then hours. I was up for about 3 hours last night - restless and beleaguered by lack of sleep. I actually pulled my comforter off my bed and attempted sleep on my couch. For some reason, a different location other than my bed sometimes allows me to fall asleep. It worked this time, for about half an hour. Finally - around 4:30am i trudged back into my bed - curled up - and fell asleep. I slept so soundly that my alarm, which normally bolts me awake with progressively louder and faster chirps - sitting out of my reach so i actually have to get up to turn it off because it's that unbearably loud and annoying - failed to even stir me. I only woke when rich made his morning phone call to me - to make sure i was awake and starting my morning.
The one thing that made last night less pained were the beautiful roses on my coffee table (pictured below) - sent by rich yesterday - with the most amazing card. He surprised me at work with an afternoon delivery of 2 dozen multicolored roses - totally gorgeous. They made last night less tortureous knowing that part of him was there with me...

Monday, September 12, 2005
Rich's visit - recap
Wednesday i picked him up at the airport - peppered him with kisses and hugs and headed back into SF to show him my city. He was pretty shocked at how small SF was - where were the skyscrapers - where was the 'downtown' area - where were the towering apartment buildings - well, darling, i live in the Marina - and there aren't skyscrapers and towering apts - there are boutiques and cafe's and and victorian duplexes and great restaurants and wine bars. I love my neighborhood. We schlep his stuff upstairs - hello 60lb suitcase - and head out to have lunch on Chestnut street. Lots of good restaurants to choose from and we decided upon Andale - great mexican food. Some chips, guacamole, sangria, grilled shrimp and a burrito maya later - we're exploring the rest of Chestnut. After a bit of walking around - we headed back to the apartment where rich took a nap. I put some of his stuff away - and then napped along side him for a while. We got up around 7pm and decided to go to Cozmos for dinner. Fun place - great vibe - has that NY/LA sort of feel. Dinner was wonderful - they have a new chef - thankfully - and he's done wonders for the menu! After dinner we headed back to my apartment and hung out for a while then fell fast asleep...
Thursday was spent sightseeing - we headed down to Chrissy Field - and walked around - it was quite foggy and really chilly (rich ended up buying a fleece to keep warm) - but we had fun. We walked along the water - took pictures along the pier - perused the giftshop/warming hut. I wasn't feeling 100% - my back was hurting me and so was my stomach - so we ended up driving around a bit and then heading back to my apartment where i took a nap. Woke up several hours later - still not feeling well - we decided not to go out - so instead we ordered chinese and relaxed in front of the tv. It was a nice mellow night. The next morning rich went out and got us breakfast from noahs - yum - and we decided to do a bit more shopping/sight seeing. We tried to get tix for alcatraz but they were sold out - so we ended up at the Masonic auditorium on Nob Hill - taking in the exhibit - the Universe Within - completely wild - amazing actually! Basically it's an exhibit featuring actual human bodies that had been 'plasticized'. Sounds disgusting and mind you - some of it was completely bizarre - but it was incredible at the same time. To actually see the inside of the human body - to see the arteries, the veins, the organs - how it all interconnects - each area defined by a different colored liquid plastic (that had hardened) - was really just so cool. If it comes to your town - GO.
After the exhibit - we did a little shopping and then ended up on Union street. I wanted to take him to Betelnut for dinner - but the wait was out the door - as was the wait for Home - so we ended up having a lovely dinner at Prego. We bought our tickets to see "The 40 year old virgin" prior to dinner - so after dinner we headed over to the theatre - stopping to window shop beforehand. The movie was hysterical! So funny! We headed home after dinner and fell into bed.
Saturday was spent sightseeing again - back to Chrissy Field and Fort Point - the Palace of Fine Arts and the Legion of Honor. Rich took some great pictures - i'm sure he'll post them. I have scattered some throughout this post - as well. I was a little nervous given that rich and my parents were meeting for the first time that evening - so i was a little preoccupied. We headed back to my apt around 5ish - i wanted some time to relax and get ready without being rushed. I chilled out - and spent a little over an hour getting ready. We taxied to the restaurant - Town Hall - owned by a friend - it's wonderful - and has gotten amazing reviews - despite being a bit noisy. My parents were a bit delayed due to the city setting up for the Grand Prix the next day (SF's very own tiny tour de france - usually Lance rides - but this year he passed). They arrived - the introductions were made and we were seated immediately. We had a great table with a view of the entire restaurant - and we ordered some wine while we decided what to have for dinner. The conversation flowed and everything was going well. PHEW! I was so nervous. But everything turned out okay. Dinner was great - and we took a quick tour of the mansions in pacific heights on our way home - mom and dad were cool - and the evening was just wonderful.
The next day - rich and i awoke to the sounds of the pace cars and the bicycles zooming past my apartment - very very cool - with an amazing view right outside my bay window. We just chilled out for a bit - knowing we had to be in marin to meet my dad. He and rich were heading to Oakland to watch the Yankees beat the A's. From what i heard - they had a great time at the game - watched batting practice - rooted for their team - ate 'game' food and cheered when the Yanks trumped the A's. I picked rich up at my parents house after the game was over. We stayed for a bit to say hi to my parents - dad took rich on a mini tour - and then we headed out - and headed home. Monday was Labor Day - and we mellowed out in the morning and then headed over to my parents for the afternoon. My sister and her husband, along with the babies were already there when we arrived. Everyone was in the backyard when we came in - and we joined them - taking a lounge for ourselves. I introduced rich to my nephews - my sister and her husband - and we all hung out and had a relaxing afternoon. Dinner was wonderful - grilled chicken - lamb chops - my mom's macaroni and cheese (which is simply amazing and so not like your traditional macaroni and cheese) - champagne and wine and sparkling water. It was a great afternoon - we had a lot of fun - rich and i played with my nephews - and he chatted with my sister for a bit. We left around 9pm - tired - sated - happy - and ready for bed. Although rich wanted to go out for a drink - i kind of convinced him otherwise... :) We decided to go up to my roofdeck and relax and take in the view - it's really beautiful at night.
Tuesday was spent working a little - until around 2pm - and then we hit Union street for some shopping - rich wanted to get his sister and parents some SF treats - so we headed to some of the cute shops. I ended up buying another pair of sandles ( i have 3 now of the same pair - they're awesome) - and rich picked up some great gifts for his family. After we finished walking around - we got a jamba juice to share and headed back to the apartment. Rich's friend - ari - was going to be stopping by - they hadn't seen eachother in a few years and i wanted to make sure we weren't late returning home. We got upstairs - put our packages down - and the phone rang. Ari was downstairs. Good timing! Ari was great! So nice - funny - genuine - just an all-around great guy. He stayed for a few hours - and we had a fantastic conversation. I really enjoyed meeting him. After we said our goodbyes - rich walked him downstairs - and i fixed myself for dinner. We were going to go to Bistro Aix - but the menu was somewhat lacking and the atmosphere a bit more formal than desired - we headed across the street from Aix to Izzy's - an awesome steak house. It's a regular place for my friends - we love it. I had the drunken shrimp and rich had a filet (i think...) - we had a private booth and had a great last evening in san francisco dinner together. Kevin called from the airport and we made arrangements to meet up - rich and kevin had to meet - they'd already spent time on the phone together - not to mention IM/email - he couldn't leave SF without meeting him. We would have actually spent a lot of time with him had he not flown to chicago on a whim to hang out with a friend who moved there last year. We finished dinner - and headed back to the apt. Kevin called from downstairs about 5 minutes later - and he came up for a quick hello. I was glad they got to meet. They're 2 of the most important men in my life :)
Rich started packing - pulling shirts from the closets, boxers and socks from the drawers - and i got sad. I didn't want him to leave. It had been too perfect - it's always so perfect. He told me not to be sad - that he'd be back soon - and i would be heading to NY in no time. We finished packing - and pulling his stuff together and climbed into bed. I curled up next to him - and fell asleep in his arms. Wednesday was a little hectic - i worked on the couch - fielding emails and phone calls while rich did the same - he finished packing and we headed off to the airport. ug. So hard to say goodbye. I dropped him off at united - helped him with his stuff - hugged and kissed him and tried not to be sad. It wasn't easy. But it's the way it is for the time being. We love eachother - and despite the distance - it's the knowing of what's to come that makes it bearable.
It's been hard since he left - i miss him. But i'll be in NY in october - and he should be coming back out to SF in december. So all is well. We had a great time - the visit couldn't have gone better - it was awesome! I can't wait to get back to NY - that city has my heart - in more ways than 1...
Must go - masses of work to do - very very busy week - i'll update later this week - lots going on.
Meow - K
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Martha Martha Martha
Given that Martha is a perfectionist - i can't actually believe that this is the trademark phrase she'll be hissing at her contestants on a weekly basis. I've taken it upon myself to give Martha a few options, something to think about while she's jerry-rigging her ankle monitoring system to the hind leg of her sleeping chow.
I'm sorry Kaitlen, but:
Your souffle fell flat
Your dogwood won't be blooming this Spring
Your potpourri simply isn't fragrant enough
The stitching on your tea kettle cozy isn't straight
Your jelly jar candles will not be lit
Your french ribbon wreath won't be hung this christmas
Rather than sound like the social chair at sorority rush - sorry heather, you just don't fit in - she can channel jeff probst and with a large bedazzled spatula in her hand she can announce "The WASPs have spoken - please return your monogrammed oven mitt and leave the Hamptons immediately".
Has a nice ring to it - don't you think...
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Playing hostess
Dinner was at Asia de Cuba - and we were seated right next to the opening to the Redwood Room. One of my favorite bars - gorgeous and dark - with tons of beautiful people. We were seated immediately - and had a great view of what was going on in the bar - as well as the restaurant. Matt and i love the tunapica - so we had to order - we also ordered the lobster ravioli and another delicious appetizer. For dinner i had the cuban spiced chicken and jeremy had - hmmm - what did jeremy have? I can't remember. Well, regardless - we all shared - and gossiped - caught up - drank and had a great time.
I asked the host to make sure we could get a 'living room' section in the Redwood room for after dinner drinks. They, as usual, came through so we wouldn't have to stand with the masses. After dinner - we ventured over to our seats in the bar - ordered a bottle of veuve clicquot - and settled back for some of the best people watching in SF. Hot boys and sexy girls are just littered all over that bar. There is something very cool about watching that whole spectacle - all the preening - the posing - the jockeying for position - literal and otherwise.
We talked about rich and his impending trip west (labor day weekend) - if i was in love (definitely yes) - when i was moving (a few short months) - was i nervous (yes and no) - do i ever miss matthew (um, who?) - and so on. We sat for about another hour - finishing our champagne...it was a great night. We made plans to go shopping the next day - jeremy had never been to SF before and i wanted to show him around. I promised to call them when i woke up and blew them kisses as my cab pulled away. I got home somewhat late - close to midnight - and called rich. We talked and i told him about my evening and tomorrow's plans. I fell asleep with his voice in my ear.
I woke around 11ish the next day - alcohol never gives me a solid sleep and i probably tossed and turned the last few hours. I called rich - took a couple advil - and then called the guys to see what was going on. We decided that i would pick them up - and we would head to Union Square for a little shopping. We hit gucci first - then dior - then i bought 2 pair of shoes - and two tops at Zara. Then to Nike town for jeremy - he was fiending for this coveted pair of shoes - something 95 - they only released like 900 globally and he HAD to have them. Well, they didn't - but the salesgirl suggested a boutique up the street that might - 'might' - have them - another suggestion was to try the Haight. Then we went to saks and Victoria's secret - we also stopped for a coffee. So we decide to hit the boutique in search of the shoes - and if they didn't have them - then we'd head to the Haight. Mind you, i can't stand the Haight - it's full of homeless kids and ratty old hipsters, dirty hippies who won't give up the summer of love - it basically looks like every day is laundry day in the Haight. Whatever missmash wornout crap that's in the back of your closet - throw it on - you'll look fine.
But i digress - we end up finding the shoes at the boutique - thank god, i'm out of having to drive to the Haight - but then jeremy says he wants to go - to see if they can find another pair. So, off we go. Jeremy is just chuffed to bits (love my london friends - always teaching me fun little sayings) with his new purchase. We drop him off in front of a skaterish store and try to find parking. We we meet up again - that store didn't have them - but others were suggested to him. So we're off - walking around - stepping over the skater kids asking for change - stopping to check out the giant legs positioned above a boutique - taking it all in - we had fun actually. There's definitely a lot to look at. Jeremy was unable to find another pair - so we ended up heading back to the car after a lovely serenade by the hari krishna walking up and down the streets - with their conga and tinkling finger simbals.
We head to chinatown for dinner - end up at a little place - Yeut Li i think - we ordered masses of food and ate until we could barely walk out the door. I dropped the guys off - gave them kisses and hugs and drove back home. They headed to Napa the next day and then drove to LA the following day. Had dinner at the Ivy - so jealous - love the Ivy. But i'm glad they had a great time and it was awesome having them here - showing them around - and letting them see why i love my city so much. You just can't beat it, well, except for NY...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Now and then
Have to side with Christina on this one...hard to believe this is even the same girl - what a difference a year and a white trash husband make:
Christina on the other hand, looks fabulous!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The new car
It's gorgeous - i dig it. Haven't named it - although my 4 year old nephew sammy thinks i should name it Mustafa - told him i'd think about that one.
Meow - K
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Finally, a bit of good news
I took a few photos - i've posted 1 below...

But this is not a sad story, yes, Betty is gone, but - BUT - i did buy a fabulous Mercedes and i'm totally and completely thrilled with it! It's gorgeous - silver on silver - 4 door - all the 'bells and whistles' imaginable - as one of my girlfriends said 'it's sooooo you'. I'm still a little skittish driving - but that will pass. I love my new car! YAY me. :)
Other great news - i did get asked to officially join the Board of Directors for the league of museums in SF. I'm so excited! We're planning a huge gala event on Oct 22. It's the grand reopening of the De Young Museum after months of renovation - cannot wait! I'm on the 'celebrity and entertainment' committee as well as another and since i have the most event planning experience of the entire Board - i'm helping with the overall planning of the event.
Other than the usual adventures at work - all is well. Rich is coming out here at the end of the month - for a week - everyone is so excited to meet him! I can't wait to introduce him to all my friends, and especially my family. I'm planning a roof deck cocktail party - so we can all hang out and he can meet my dearest friends. Had dinner with Kevin last night at a place we all love - called Izzy's - great steaks ( i had the drunken shrimp as i'm not a meat eater) - and we talked and caught up - i picked him up at his place so he could check out the car - and we went to Balboa for a glass of wine - said hi to our Mayor who happened to be having cocktails next to us - he's always at Balboa - and then made our way to dinner. I'm supposed to go have ice cream with sammy, my sister and dad tonight - but i've decided to stay in and chill out.
Not much else to report - so i'm off. Meow - K
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Single Life

All seemlessly conceived out of a need for connection - something to care for - along with a little kitsch. Surprisingly, this is something that didn't come out of japan - a hotbed of kitschy, over the top gadgets and sleek, ultra modern electronics.
Take a peek and get the party started at your place, even if you're the only one actually there...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
R.I.P. Betty
This sucks, I loved my car - her name was betty, she was champagne colored and so pretty. And that bitch in a piece of shit mini-van took her out. I cannot explain how truly livid i am.
And yes, everyone keeps telling me how lucky i am - that i should be thankful i wasn't seriously hurt, that i could be in the hospital right now, or worse, so yes, i understand all these things - but i'm still livid and upset.
I don't want a new car, i want 'my' car back. Bitch.
I hate mondays.
Birthday Wine Tasting

We headed north to Healdsburg - drinking mimosas and catching up. Our first stop was Roshambo winery (pictured above). A very slick, modern location with a gorgeous view and mediocre wine. They did, however, have the best swag and a very cool vibe. We hung out, tasted, enjoyed a great catered lunch and the sun. The wine was really awful, so we were glad to leave and head on toward Armida - a completely different feeling than Roshambo. The tasting room was small and crowded and the staff were a bit too stiff. We asked to taste their famed 'Poizin' zin - they're response - um, there isn't an unopened bottle. Please. The wine we did taste was fair, not fabulous and their attitude put their average wine on my list of what never to buy. We boarded the bus - which at this point sounded close to death (fun birthday, yeah, i know...) and was incredibly hot considering we had a good air conditioning system. We headed to rabbit ridge. At this point it was around 105 degrees out. I was done tasting, opting for water and a cold beer instead. The tasting room was a little to homey and country for me - too much kitsch and crap around. I didn't taste the wine, so i can't compare to the others, but i did notice serveral people coming out with several bottles in tow.
We again boarded the bus to head home. It was hot. HOT. Our bus had officially turned out to be a piece - the fan belt broke - leaving us air conditioning-less - and with the windows unable to open - the ride home was dreadful. Truly. About a 110 degrees. It, of course, got worse, we lost most of the power to accelerate and it took us nearly double the time to get home. I, at one point, had my phone out to call a cab because we really did not think we would make it up the hill from Sausalito to SF.
Fun fun fun. So, we finally peter to a stop in front of kevin's apt and we all pile out. I probably lost about 5 lbs in water weight from sweating so much - and i felt like a giant salt like...
Some how - we decided to go to dinner - without changing - to Havana - a great and very authentic cuban restaurant on Van Ness in SF. We had a table of about 12 people - lots of cocktails and even more delicious food. It was awesome. However, I was exhausted and i just wanted to go home after we finished our main courses. Soon after we said our goodbyes, i flagged a cab and headed home. Exhausted, hot and salty.
Happy birthday to me.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Birthday Kitten
It's my birtday tomorrow - and i'm already starting to enjoy the day because of the amazing friends i have in my life. Rich sent me the most beautiful bouquet of roses - gorgeous - they arrived this morning, along with an awesome little note that was just so perfect. Thank you baby - they are so beautiful - MWAH. Literally right after the roses arrived, another package shows up at my door. I teased rich about getting me a bottle of wine - or a bottle of veuve cliquot (our favorite) - he said it wasn't him. SO, I proceeded to open it - still thinking it was from him - and oh my goodness - OH MY Goodness - but what do i pull out of the package - only a decadent bottle of Dom Perignon - vintage '96 - from my darling and amazing friends Matt and Jeremy! YAY! Champagne is wonderful - and there are a few that i truly enjoy - regularly - but a bottle of Dom - is just so special. Thank you thank you thank you!
How lucky can a girl be to be blessed with such wonderful friends. So very very lucky - on so many levels...
I'm heading to Napa tomorrow - as i did several months ago - aboard a bus full of friends to go tasting at a few select vineyards. Cannot wait - will be so great to see my 'boys' - I haven't seen them in a while - and it's always a guaranteed great time when we all do get together. Here i am kissing the "Cline guy" on our last trip to Napa - he was really disgusting and made of some weird malleable plastic - it almost felt like skin - the winery had several of these 'guests' in and around the wine tasting room... kinda creepy - yet very entertaining after an entire day drinking...
I don't want to 'taste' to the extent that i did last time - and i'm hoping we will actually get to go out for drinks at Balboa once we return home. I wish rich was here so he could enjoy my birthday and wine tasting with me - but he's coming out for Labor Day Weekend and we have a slew of things planned. And honestly, it's just a day... we have the rest of our lives to celebrate.
Okay - i must go - off for a little birthday pampering in the form of a mani and pedi.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
NY Wrap-up
I'm still so tired and having difficulty remembering what we did - oh yeah - sunday we went to brunch at Panorama and then headed off to a very cool flea market (i love them - hear the ones in paris and london are to die for!) on the West Side - we spent a little bit of time perusing the tables - some shabby chic french country home accents and furniture, some handmade soaps, a table of limoges and herend porcelain, a lot of crappy jewelry, some nice jewelry, and a small farmers market off one end. It was dreadfully hot and humid - and we cut our perusing short and walked to the park down the block. Sitting in the shade - we talked and hung out - watched the dogs and people pass...it was nice and relaxing - and cool - which was most important.
I think we ordered in that night, can't remember...
Monday was work again - a deal was closing and i got 2 more - which made it a busy day. That night we went to Dos Caminos on Park Avenue South - it was so good! I love mexican food and this was undoubtedly some of the best i've ever had. It was delicious.
I'll cut to wednesday - i wanted to surprise rich with a nice dinner someplace fun and unusual. I spotted the central park boathouse restaurant on the way home on and thought it was a great place - on tuesday, in our cab ride home - we passed the boathouse and he said - ooh - i want to take you there! I played dumb, asked him what was there, etc...and he explained to me - a very romantic restaurant - on the water - with a beautiful view. Hmm - sounds good. :)

Friday was Balthazar - and it was incredible as always. We each started with the usual - i had the decadent french onion soup and rich had the escargot - and for our main courses, rich had the steak frites and i had the halibut - it was incredible. Adam Duritz - lead singer of the counting crows sat a seat away from us - with 3 other friends - i didn't recognize any of them. One guy - who looked vaguely familiar - had a huge ring on (thing superbowl huge) - so i think he was sports related - other than that - no clue about the others. Adam kept getting up - and with the narrowness of the space btwn tables at Balthazar - kept making the girls at the next table grab their wine and water bottles to avoid his ass from knocking them over. His hair is atrocious by the way - atrocious.
We made our way back home after that - snuggled up with eachother and fell asleep.
Saturday we called matt, jeremy and dave for a late brunch. We decided to meet at 2-ish at Mercer Kitchen - secured a corner table at lobby level (can't stand downstairs - too dark) and cocktailed the afternoon away. It was so great to catch up with them - initially it was just matt and dave, and then jeremy, who hadn't been feeling quite well, joined us later in the afternoon. We ordered some food - cocktailed - chatted and people watched - it was actually a perfect saturday afternoon! Once jeremy arrived - we ordered once last round, and headed out to the shops. I had to go to Louis Vuitton - it was 6:30 and they closed at 7pm - so we all made our way over there. I shopped a bit - picked out a few bags that i wanted - and asked the boys for their opinions. After selecting 3 - and noticing that we were the last people in the store - we made our way up and out and headed down the street to a very cool - hip little shop called Kid Robot - which carries 'toys' for adults, and no - you perv - not 'those' kinds of toys. Cool japanese anime, action figures, etc... we hung out there a bit - and then it was time for us to go our separate ways...
We said our goodbyes - hugged and double cheek kissed - excited to know that while my trip to NY was almost over, i'd be seeing matt and jeremy in SF in a few short weeks. YAY! Rich and i made our way back to the apt - had dinner - and spent the night wrapped up in eachother.
Sunday was hard - i didn't want to go. We got up early and headed out - i had a few things i needed to do and a seriously sexy pair of stilettos i had to buy at bergdorfs. We went downtown first - got a few things i needed and then made our way back uptown and then home. I packed - we played - fussed around the house - made sure i had all my stuff and then, waited. And waited. My plane was delayed. So we hung out some more and i finally made my way to the airport - where i waited even more. My flight was supposed to take off at 8:00 - didn't take off until 11pm. I couldn't sleep at all on the plane - so i was miserable and exhausted when we finally arrived in SF at 3:00 - i fell into bed around 3:30am and don't think i moved a muscle until my alarm woke me out of a dead sleep.
Long trip home - but the trip itself - the 17 days rich and i had together couldn't have been more perfect.
I spent yesterday evening at my parents - my sister and the littlest one were there as well and tonight i'm meeting with the board of directors for the league of museums in sf - i've been asked to join the board and am meeting 3 of the members - 1 of whom i know well - at Nectar - a chic little wine bar in my neighborhood. I'm looking foward to meeting some of the members tonight - and am hoping they 'officially' extend an invitation to be a Board member. A gala is planned for Oct 22 - the opening of the new De Young museum - and i know i'll have a lot of fun planning that event.
Nothing else to report except that rich is coming out to SF for Labor Day weekend and my parents are totally excited to meet the man that has so captured my heart.
Meow - K
Saturday, July 09, 2005
New York New York
We celebrated the 4th with friends - on their roofdeck - it was great. We had a wonderful dinner at Zoe the evening I arrived (july 1) - spent that saturday in Soho - with a delicious brunch at Mercer Kitchen and then a little shopping at Louis Vuitton. Rich jokes that as soon as i walk through their doors in Soho, it's like a jackpot going off - ding ding ding ding ding - they know they've just made their quota. However, i really only work with 1 sales associate - Jessica - because she takes care of me, shows me all the newest goodies and has the best understanding of what i want and what i'll buy. She's a doll.
The next day we woke up relatively late, hung out and then went to Eli's to secure a number of delicious items for a barbecue at rich's parents home in New Jersey. We each purchases her something at pottery barn the day before, rich a gorgeous candle and i got her fragrant infused oil with reeds - each in paper white scent. She loved them! It was a great day - we had a wonderful dinner - and ended up staying until nearly midnight. His family is fantastic.
The work week was just that - a work week. Short, but full. I had 2 deals closing, got three more and met the new regional VP on the east coast. Great guy - we had a productive first meeting, and i'm meeting the rest of his team next week. Everything is coming together for the transition to the NY office. They changed my badge so i can get into the NY office so i don't have to check in with security each day when i arrive. Baby steps.
This weekend is going to be mellow - there is a lot i want to do, but i'm not going to push. We're going down to Soho again today, there are a few places i want to visit before the weekend slips away. Next week will be very busy. A lot of work, 2 of the 3 deals i just got are closing so i'll be quite busy.
Rich is coming to visit at the end of the month. We're both very excited about his meeting my family, equally as much as they are about meeting him.
Have to hop in the shower or this day will disappear and the weekend will be half over...
Meow - K
Thursday, July 07, 2005
There are no words.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tiny bit of back story to this...
So, Christian Dior (who i love love love - best handbags/shoes/clothes - so sexy and fun) came out with this fabulous lip gloss housed in an oversized ring. It's hot. And sold out. Both my sister and i had to have one - we loved the lip glosses (2 different shades in the ring once you flip the jeweled top open) and were looking everywhere for them. No one had them - every one was sold out. I couldn't even find them online. Only the eyeshadow version of the ring was available. And EW, it was blue. Blue! No thank you. Never. I finally had to resign myself to not having this decadent little ring - and bemoan the fact that i again waited when i should have bought when i had the chance...
Hello Louis Vuitton gorgeous to die for earrings...dammit
So anyway - Rich told me the other day that he had a surprise for me. And me, liking instant gratification and all, prodded him until he told me that his mom had found the rings and secured 2 of them, 1 each for my sister and me. YAY. I was stunned, literally. HOW had she worked her magic! I would love to have those magic skills, I can only imagine the yummy things i would secure: the gorgeous Dolce & Gabbana fitted t-shirt with their D&G logo encrusted in crystal on the front - to go with, of course, the long boucle D&G coat of raspberry, pale pink and creme cashmere in an oversized plaid; the YSL spectator stilettos - so gorgeous; the Dior logo mules; the simple black Donna Karan winter coat with just the right amount of detail to make it lustful rather than typical; the Marc Jacobs biker bag in silver - so hot; and, of course, the matching winter white wool boucle chanel handbag to match my black one.
Alas, i don't have magic powers, however, i now know someone who does...
Life is good.
Meow - K